The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.



Non planar 3D printing cork based biomaterial CORK.CATENATION employs the novel methodology of non-planar 3d printing using Cork as the bio-material. The final outcome is a connection of interconnected lattice structures- broken down into modules that can be assembled to form a building skin that can morph according to the surface topology and solar radiation results.

Timber Zipper

The goal of this project is to comprehend the pick-and-place robotic fabrication process using timber members and how to optimize the process using design choices. By experimenting with various twist, rotate, shift, mirror, and scale actions, column typologies that eventually took the form of a zipper-like column were created. The exercise helps us to understand … Read more


Concept Catalogue Main Catalogue Weekly Catalogue Catalogue of the digital exploration Parameters Digital input and ABB Fabrication Physical Limitation of fabrication Design Analysis Rules of the Proposed Geometry Layers: 30N. of Sticks: 120Pivot angle Increment: y = sin (x)Total Rotation: 160* Rotation’s Logic Column Making: The 3 modules Comparison Physics Simulation | Robot Simulation | … Read more


Abstract This project will focus on using the pick & place operations to develop column geometries stacked out of timber elements. Below we present the development of a parametric system capable of integrating fabrication constraints and architectural goals. The aim was to create a natural geometry with a simple linear element, a catalog of multiple … Read more