
This project will focus on using the pick & place operations to develop column geometries stacked out of timber elements. Below we present the development of a parametric system capable of integrating fabrication constraints and architectural goals. The aim was to create a natural geometry with a simple linear element, a catalog of multiple forms based on geometrical terms, the robotic limits, and the desired aesthetic. We produce variables of modules and types in order to fabricate the final module which can produce also architectural applications, such as a pavilion or shell structure.

Manual Exploration
Catalogue of Module A
Digital Catalogue
Module B_Type I: one stick per layer
Final Model
Week 1
Digital Catalogue
Module B_Type II: two sticks per layer
Digital Exploration
Module B_ Based on two wood sticks in base

Final Model
Week 2
Robotic Fabrication Process
Catalogue of Failures
Digital Catalogue
Type III: three sticks per layer
Digital Catalogue 
Type IV: four sticks module
Digital Catalogue 
Module C_Type I, II, III: four sticks per layer
Final Model
Week 3 
Digital Catalogue 
Module D_Component A-D: three sticks per layer

Final Model
Week 4
Geometrical terms
New rules for a Furniture System
Technical drawing
Rules of code
Final components
Possible columns
Simulation Vs Reality
Difference with physic tools simulation
Final Model
Week 6
Material Catalogue
Comparisons : Final Column
Efficiency of Column Components
Comparisons : Previous Components
Efficiency of Column Components
Comparisons : Components
Efficiency of Column Components
Path Optimization
Geometrical terms
Rules for Architectural Application
Architectural Application
Module Analysis