The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.



THESIS STATEMENT The objective of this thesis is to investigate the use of sawdust based biocomposite materials in the additive manufacturing of interlocking bricks. EcoBrickscape aims to develop a workflow that facilitates the generation of customizable shapes and infill designs that are optimal for interlocking and aggregating, enabling efficient fabrication and assembly. The study also … Read more

Digital Heritage

In the past years, the number of 3D Concrete Printed projects has been increasing exponentially. Even though it is becoming an important part of the construction industry, large-scale 3D-printed buildings have shown a lack of aesthetics, as flat walls are normally used, and sometimes even plastered. On the other hand, small-scale printed projects have shown … Read more


Posidonia Oceanica: The Aquatic Seagrass Species Posidonia oceanica is a species of aquatic seagrass that belongs to the Posidoniaceae family. It possesses roots, a rhizomatous stem, and ribbon-like leaves, resembling those of terrestrial plants. These features allow it to anchor itself to the seabed and spread horizontally, forming extensive meadows in the Mediterranean Sea. These … Read more


As the world continues to develop rapidly, the problem of noise pollution, especially in metropolitan cities, cannot be eliminated. Not only outside but also inside the old houses. “Corteza” is an experimental design proposal to tackle the noise pollution problem inside Barcelona’s buildings with 3d printed natural cork furniture.  What is noise pollution? And what … Read more

Corteza // Pitch Deck

Introducing Corteza, the innovative solution to noise problems in buildings. Corteza is a line of 3D-printed cork furniture designed to reduce indoor noise levels. Traditional sound-absorbing materials can be unattractive and bulky, but with Corteza, you can have both form and function. The unique texture and design of cork make it an ideal material for … Read more

Digital Heritage

Additive Manufacturing is the technology that builds 3D objects by adding layers of material on top of each other, whether the is clay, plastic, concrete etc. through various types of robotic technologies. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the additive manufacturing with concrete as it has shown potential advantages in comparison … Read more

DUST UP! (Term02)

(Continuation from the first term. To view the Term01 click here : Material Research – Strategies To solve the issues from the Term01, approaches from different scales were implemented. From material scale, adding marble dust can give more stability to the mixture and help it move less during printing. Exploring different curve connections such … Read more

Fibra Terra

Posidonia Oceanica In the Mediterranean, most plant debris is made up of the species Posidonia Oceanica (L.) Delile, asuperior plant that is endemic to this sea. It forms extensive meadows from the shallowest areas of the coast to variable depths, depending on how deep light can penetrate the water to enable photosynthesis to take place. … Read more

Light of Concrete

Framework Properties of Concrete There needs to be a reduction in the amount of cement usage. But in order to make it sustainable there needs to be a change in the processes currently used, aiming the reduction of the CO2 emissions produced  by the industry. With 3D printing and the help of computational tools, highly … Read more