The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.



investigative research into creating a catalogue of joinery methods, varying in complexity and geometries. At the same time, integrating a new workflow of design to mill fabrication using new components such as D2P & TasMachine to create sophis`iticated digital models and manage complexity. precedence first day / manual studies on our first day, we picked … Read more

DigiGrain: Mastering Wood Joints

The idea of ‘craft’ for us is a blend of traditional hands-on skills and modern digital techniques. The experience reinforced that craft is an evolving dialogue between hand and machine, where both bring unique strengths to the process. PROCESS – JOINT PROTOTYPES JOINT 1 (CNC) JOINT 2 (CNC) JOINT 3 (CNC) JOINT 4 (MANUAL) JOINT … Read more

Hybrid Joints

Hybrid Joints explores the line between craft and art through a collection of digitally and manually crafted joints. Using Grasshopper instead of CAM software, we modeled directly in 3D and iterated quickly. We found that digital woodcraft is a craft itself, requiring not just technical knowledge but also strategy, adaptability, and problem-solving. Machines alone weren’t … Read more