The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.



NARRATIVE Back to Zero is a regenerative concept that targets oil refineries and other aging infrastructures that pollute our world. The narrative is inspired from the “skin in the game” concept, and calculates lifetime co2 emissions for high emitting “hosts”, which then becomes a target for that same “host” to sequester through the carbon sequestration … Read more


COMPUTATIONAL DESIGN SEMINAR-TERM 1 Our proposed pavilion for Plaça del Mar near Barcelona coastline draws inspiration from seashells, featuring a twisted shell structure that blends nature and architecture. Designed using Grasshopper software, the pavilion’s parametric form optimizes shading, wind resistance, and structural stability, offering a sustainable and functional space. This multifunctional landmark celebrates the coastal … Read more


Cary is a carpooling platform designed for daily commuters travelling from peripheral areas to the city core. Our innovative ride package, flexible scheduling, and advanced matching algorithm connect drivers and passengers from the same area, ensuring unmatched comfort for frequent travellers. Cary helps save time and money while reducing traffic and fostering connections among users.

Optimizing green spaces

Optimizing green spaces is a project that aims to spot potential areas (plazas) around the cities, that are “dry” spaces, meaning that are composed mainly by pavement, and transform them into green areas, to enhance the quality of life who lives around and who is walking by, taking in consideration how people occupy the space … Read more


A System of Sensors to Save Electricity Many hospitals, public offices, warehouses are characterized by the presence of constant electric lighting at any time of the day, includingless-frequented areas and throughout the night.But is this really necessary? Can’t there be a more sustainable and energy saving technology? PowerPreserver_ uses both a LDR photoresistor, apassive component … Read more

Urban Pollution Mapper

CONCEPT The project was designed to be an urban furniture that maps the city’s pollutions: air pollution and sound pollution. It is a design installation that aims social awareness regarding the environment people are exposed to in big and busy city centers. The benches’ side lights, triggered by the air quality sensor, are always on, … Read more


A Lighting Installation for Natural Areas This proposal envisions to create a kinetic lighting element, to manage and minimize light pollution. It is imagined to be placed within the urban fabric in parks, or in natural suburban areas. The prototype’s design is based on the “Spider-LED Kit”, a box that can be mounted on a … Read more


What behaviour in our daily life cause energy waste. The sun that comes into the home is harsh and hot, drawing the curtains makes the room dark, which then requires light to be turned on in the day, wasting energy. Typical Solar Panels are Deterrent to User Deployment. Normally it is Large, bulky and installed on roofs and … Read more