During the second year of the Master in Advanced Architecture + Thesis Project (MAA02), students have the unique opportunity to work for a period of 1 year on an Individual Thesis Project, focused on the development of a research or pilot project based on the student’s interest, and the learnings of the first year. IAAC supports the student in selecting their Thesis Project topic in order to better orient them according to their future career interests and opportunities. Each student, according to their specific topic, is assigned one or more Thesis Advisors that follow the development of the work throughout the year.
In parallel to the development of the Individual Thesis Project, the second year of the MAA02 offers a series of seminars enhancing the theoretical, practical and computational skills of the students.
Picture this: Its sunday morning and you are taking a shower after a long saturday night. You have the water running, still trying to wake up from the night before then Crash! You are now having a mini panic attack, scrambling to get the soap out of your eyes and turn off the water all … Read more
AI in the Built Environment | Urban Analytical Tool for Greening the City
Juan is a young professional living in a narrow street in Barcelona and he describes the street he lives in as a concrete hell. How air quality and greenery impact the experience, how a citizen feels, about a public space? The result will be an urban analytical tool for the city planners to manage air … Read more
AIR COMFORT The air comfort depends on the gases and particulate matters in the air. The gases consist of nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and ozone. As well as the gases there are particulate matters in air which are categorised depending on their diameter. The main categories are the PM2.5 and PM10. In 2021 WHO … Read more
Agua Mobility
Employing a passive design strategy for construction can be a viable way to address this issue since buildings use the majority of the energy consumed in a city for heating and cooling space. The goal of the study is to create a passive heating and cooling system in a controlled environment by experimenting with the … Read more
Fibra Terra
Posidonia Oceanica In the Mediterranean, most plant debris is made up of the species Posidonia Oceanica (L.) Delile, asuperior plant that is endemic to this sea. It forms extensive meadows from the shallowest areas of the coast to variable depths, depending on how deep light can penetrate the water to enable photosynthesis to take place. … Read more
AIR COMFORT The air comfort depends on the gases and particulate matters in the air. The gases consist of nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and ozone. As well as the gases there are particulate matters in air which are categorised depending on their diameter. The main categories are the PM2.5 and PM10. In 2021 WHO … Read more
Moving Concrete to Green Pastures / DeepGreen Thesis Cluster
THESIS ABSTRACT The critical global issue of sustainability and circular economies is a core issue that demands attention in the construction industry. A specific environmental concern in this regard is the production and utilisation of cement. This process is one that has significantly detrimental effects on the environment due to the large volumes of carbon … Read more
This immersive installation was developed for Barcelona’s LLUM festival Feb 3-5, 2023. A series of dynamic visuals projected on the ground integrated with ambient audio, where visitors’ movements are tracked using a depth camera and processed in a computer to produce interactive visuals. The volume of the audio is responsive to the number of people … Read more