During the second year of the Master in Advanced Architecture + Thesis Project (MAA02), students have the unique opportunity to work for a period of 1 year on an Individual Thesis Project, focused on the development of a research or pilot project based on the student’s interest, and the learnings of the first year. IAAC supports the student in selecting their Thesis Project topic in order to better orient them according to their future career interests and opportunities. Each student, according to their specific topic, is assigned one or more Thesis Advisors that follow the development of the work throughout the year.

In parallel to the development of the Individual Thesis Project, the second year of the MAA02 offers a series of seminars enhancing the theoretical, practical and computational skills of the students.


Internet of ME (term2)

The data we engage with everyday is growing rapidly, and our digital footprint is increasing! With the cyber-physical convergence and the fast expansion of the Internet, Volume of information created, copied, captured, and consumed worldwide went form 33 zettabytes in 2018 to an expected 175 zettabytes in 2051! That’s close 500% increase in 5 years. … Read more

Digital Deconstruct

Graph-Based Discretization of Building Meshes for Adaptive Generation of Predefined Modular Architectural Elements This research presents a novel software tool that facilitates the discretization of input building geometries into a predefined catalog of architectural elements, bridging the gap between mass customization and mass production. The proposed approach employs a graph-based representation of both orthogonal and … Read more

Digital Heritage

Additive Manufacturing is the technology that builds 3D objects by adding layers of material on top of each other, whether the is clay, plastic, concrete etc. through various types of robotic technologies. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the additive manufacturing with concrete as it has shown potential advantages in comparison … Read more


Context # Noise Pollution Noise pollution is considered to be any unwanted or disturbing sound that affects the health and well-being of humans and other organisms. And World Health Organization considers decibels over 65 dB noise pollution. Noise pollution is affecting everyone. For some people, its just an annoyance, but for others, it’s a serious … Read more

DUST UP! (Term02)

(Continuation from the first term. To view the Term01 click here : https://blog.iaac.net/dust-up-design-behavior-thesis-cluster-term-01/) Material Research – Strategies To solve the issues from the Term01, approaches from different scales were implemented. From material scale, adding marble dust can give more stability to the mixture and help it move less during printing. Exploring different curve connections such … Read more

ALGOSurfboards: how design drives performance

Over the last decade, the surf industry has been rapidly expanding, as an increasing number of people worldwide are embracing the sport. However, despite the rising demand, traditional surfboard design approaches have yet to fully embrace the potential of tailored equipment that takes into account the unique needs and preferences of individual surfers. As a … Read more

Agua Mobility

Employing a passive design strategy for construction can be a viable way to address this issue since buildings use the majority of the energy consumed in a city for heating and cooling space. The goal of the study is to create a passive heating and cooling system in a controlled environment by experimenting with the … Read more

Beyond Corals

The recent climate changes are affecting key elements of our ecosystem such as tropical forest, deserts, and coral reefs. Corals are living organisms, closely related to jellyfish that live in colonies. The size of those colonies can vary, the largest coral reef to date, the great barrier is estimated to stretch over 2300 kilometers. There … Read more


The aim of this project is to create a workflow which would help in in the preliminary analysis of physical and materialistic damage using computer vision to enhance sight and successfully pinpoint the defects that can be seen by the camera. The Construction industry follows a very linear approach in terms of usage of materials … Read more

Fibra Terra

Posidonia Oceanica In the Mediterranean, most plant debris is made up of the species Posidonia Oceanica (L.) Delile, asuperior plant that is endemic to this sea. It forms extensive meadows from the shallowest areas of the coast to variable depths, depending on how deep light can penetrate the water to enable photosynthesis to take place. … Read more

Internet of ME

The data we engage with everyday is growing rapidly, and our digital footprint is increasing! With the cyber-physical convergence and the fast expansion of the Internet, Volume of information created, copied, captured, and consumed worldwide went form 33 zettabytes in 2018 to an expected 175 zettabytes in 2051! That’s close 500% increase in 5 years. … Read more


Noise Pollution What is noise pollution? And what are the effects of noise pollution?  Noise pollution is considered to be any unwanted or disturbing sound that affects the health and well-being of humans and other organisms. And World Health Organization considers decibels over 65 dB noise pollution. Noise pollution is affecting everyone. For some people, … Read more

Digital Deconstruct

Algorithmic Design II – Term 1 Standardizing a kit of parts within a local neighborhood has potential to encourage a circular system of material exchange and allow for deconstruction of buildings rather than demolition. This research aims to design a discrete modelling framework focused on generating spaces that can be assembled and disassembled into various … Read more

Light of Concrete

Framework Properties of Concrete There needs to be a reduction in the amount of cement usage. But in order to make it sustainable there needs to be a change in the processes currently used, aiming the reduction of the CO2 emissions produced  by the industry. With 3D printing and the help of computational tools, highly … Read more