The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.



The project aims to simlulate & understand the behaviour behind the Northern Lights – Aurora Borealis. It is an attempt to explore magnetic fields within a domain of charges, strength & decay. The project develops further into simulating the phenomena via means of particle behavior in the Earth’s Atmosphere, dissipating a gradient of colors as … Read more

Spider Web Spinning

The Spider Web Spinning Project seeks to digitally replicate the intricate process of spider web construction. By delving deep into the anatomy, behavior, and environmental conditions influencing web formation, this project aims to unravel the secrets behind nature’s engineering marvel. Spider web formation, known as “web spinning,” is a remarkable feat of engineering mastered by … Read more


Fluid dynamics is a branch of fluid mechanics that studies the motion and behavior of fluids, which include liquids and gases. It focuses on understanding how fluids respond to different forces, pressures, and environmental conditions. This field is fundamental to various scientific and engineering applications, ranging from the study of natural phenomena like atmospheric and … Read more


Abstract Computational Approach to Understanding Growth of Mycelium INTRODUCTION LIFE PROCESS UNDERSTANDING GROWTH UNDERSTANDING PARAMETERS OF INFLUENCE DECONSTRUCTING THE PHENOMENON SINGLE BRANCHING SYSTEM – APPROACH 01 PERFORMANCE SINGLE BRANCHING SYSTEM _SHORTEST WALK Within an environment mimicking soil conditions, the organism’s spore point discerns optimal targets such as moisture, nutrients, light, and temperature.  Through this sensory … Read more


SMOKE is a simple exploration of a plume of smoke rising from a camp fire. The project explores thermal turbulence and swarm behavior, with forces from mixing air acting on the particles found in smoke, dispersing them into the air. Deconstructing Natural Behavior: Smoke – Swarm Behavior Smoke is comprised of a collection of tiny … Read more


circulatory system Chemical Equation Flow & Diffusion(Peclet number formula) Flow Simulation Coral Section Diffusion Simulation Growth Monitor wave Simulation Influence of Waves others Influence factors(Next step) The survival of corals is currently influenced and challenged by various factors, leading to the gradual disappearance of this ancient ecosystem. In order to simulate both favorable and adverse … Read more

Reef Rhythm: Differential Growth in the dance of Reaction Diffusion

This project explores the differential growth under the reaction diffusion phenomena. Moving from the microscopic behavior of magnetic fluids to the macroscopic phenomenon of differential growth, revealing the interconnectedness of physical processes and biological phenomena. Beginning with an exploration of the properties and behaviors of magnetic fluids, and establishing an understanding of their unique dynamics. … Read more


Pluripotent (‘capable of multiple tasks‘) stem cells are cells that can divide indefinitely.  These cell layers are the fundamental tissues that give rise to all the different types of cells and tissues found in the adult organism.  Given this property, stem cells are potentially able to recreate any tissue or organ found in the body.  … Read more

Topology of Trabecular

Computational Design Research Subject  What is trabeculae? from Latin for ‘small beam’ Also called cancellous bone, is porous bone composed of trabeculated bone tissue. It can be found at the ends of long bones like the femur, where the bone is actually not solid but is full of holes connected by thin rods and plates … Read more


BentArc is a project crafted during the first term of the Digital Woodcraft Seminar. The site is at the Vallvidrera reservoir, situated on the outskirts of Barcelona. It was designed in 1865 for a hydraulic project that was carried out to bring drinking water to the old town of Sarrià. Today it is no longer used to supply water … Read more

The Rooftop Playground

A Place to enjoy the sun, play, hide and chill The Rooftop Playground proposes, as the name suggests, a leisure (playground) space on the given rooftop of IAAC building. This attempt is derived from the current lack of character, the needs in alternating qualities of spaces (privacy, light, etc.), as well as the need of … Read more

Differential growth of brain coral

This project aims to investigate the pattern and growth behavior of brain coral, showcasing its fascinating interaction with the environment through its unique patterns and colors. The study utilizes scripting in Grasshopper to optimize and replicate the coral’s behavior, mirroring its life influences. Starting with the brain coral life cycle, its differential growth algorithm could … Read more

Sami’s Sound Hub

Music and Cultural Center Sami’s Sound Hub in Karasjok, Norway, innovatively blends Sami culture with avant-garde design. Inspired by catenary arches and hyperbolic forms, the Main Hall features strategically designed perforations and a central opening following hyperbolic geometry, playing with light and shadow. The walls showcase fractal snowflake patterns, influenced by the region’s cold temperatures. … Read more

Atacama Cultural center

The music performance and cultural center located in Colchane will act as a bridge. The center contains both music performance and recording spaces, as well as textile production capabilities. This allows shared use of the space to maximize utility for the community, to encourage cross-generational interaction, and allow the Aymara people to grow and share … Read more