The MaCAD is a unique online programme training a new generation of architects, engineers and designers ready to develop skills into the latest softwares, computational tools, BIM technologies and AI towards innovation for the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry.

Genius Loci

View some of the collected data here: Street Types and Property Information Genius Loci was inspired by the work the of Sarah Williams in her book ‘Data action – Using data for public good’. In today’s data-driven world, the use of data has become increasingly pervasive, shaping various aspects of our lives from policymaking to … Read more

Drop by Drop – Simulate erosion

Introduction Fascinated by the formation of landscapes through geological processes, I wanted to develop an interactive tool that simulates the effects of erosion on a virtual terrain. The goal was to both illustrate how erosion works and to create an experimental playground for designing one’s own landscape forms. The development utilized VUE, ThreeJS, and Rhino.Compute. … Read more

Planter by Libny Pacheco

The Pains of Being a Computational Designer and Having Landscape Design Colleagues Planter came about as a response to my landscape architect colleagues. Seeing them working bidimensionally and having a 3D model typically disassociated from those 2D drawings pains me. In a world of data, why not quantify the consequences of plant choices in a … Read more

Eco – Construction

What is Eco-Construction? “Eco-Construct” is a web-based app designed for architects, urban planners, and environmentalists. It assists in creating sustainable and efficient building designs by leveraging environmental data and urban context. Why Eco-Construction? Economical building construction is not just about reducing costs—it’s about optimizing resources, enhancing efficiency, and ensuring value for every square foot of … Read more