The Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction (MRAC) seeks to train a new generation of interdisciplinary professionals who are capable of facing our growing need for a more sustainable and optimised construction ecosystem. The Master is focused on the emerging design and market opportunities arising from novel robotic and advanced manufacturing systems.

Through a mixture of seminars, workshops, and studio projects, the master programme challenges the traditional processes in the Construction Sector. It investigates how advances in robotics and digital fabrication tools change the way we build and develop processes and design tools for such new production methods.


Clay Spatial Printing II (Sensing for Detection)

Workflow for Detection (Transformation to the Real World) Test for getting the points in real world Workflow for Detection (Getting points into the Trajectory) Test for getting the points in real world Workflow for Detection (Processing on Point Cloud) Test for getting the points in real world Machina Connection for ABB_6700 (Simulation)

Cacau II

For this term experiments and tests were conducted for the evaluation markers of the biocomposite of PLA with different charges of Cacau Seed Shell and the Fabrication performances of each biocomposite charges. Tests on mechanical perfomances such as Tensile Strenght, Flexural Stress and Izod Impact were conducted. Compostability tests were also setup in the range … Read more

Studio I_Anatomy of a Machine: Shape

This project comprises of 5 rapid prototypes developed over the course of 3 weeks. Each prototype is developed with a focus on a material and a process. These investigations were a means of developing the skillset of rapidly developing a robotic process and simultaneously became the palette from which we select our research lines for … Read more

Studio I_Anatomy of a Machine: Shape

INTRO As part of the “Anatomy of a Machine – Shape” course, we engaged in an exercise that explores the possibilities of robotic material manipulation through various tools and techniques. Our objective was to research and experiment with sustainable, accessible, and locally available materials, applying scientific and creative principles to produce unique prototypes. This process … Read more

Studio I_Anatomy of a Machine: Spill _ FLOWPRESS

Introduction This seminar invites students to explore making custom made spillers controlled by Arduino and a 6-axes robotic arm in order to paint spills on canvas with black acrylic paint. Context   Recently we have clearly observed immense changes in production, prototyping, and innovation that has been influenced by open source software, firmware and hardware. Human … Read more

Robotic Craft Interaction

An Intersectional Investigation Robotics is the field of study focused on the research and application of robotic systems. This definition, however, doesn’t provide much insight. So, what is a robot? Robots are machines that can operate autonomously or through programmed input to perform specific tasks, often replacing human effort. These tasks are typically complex and … Read more

Pitch Deck – Estudio Ona

Supply Chain Opportunity to Solve The immense volume of organic waste generated by Brazil’s agricultural and food industries, including residues from cocoa, açaí, Brazil nuts, passion fruit, cupuaçu, buriti, and murumuru, represents a significant untapped resource. These byproducts, often discarded without proper utilization, contribute to environmental challenges and economic losses. Many of the companies highlighted, … Read more

FLOWPRESS – Creating Patterns with Parameters

Introduction This seminar invites students to explore making custom made spillers controlled by Arduino and a 6-axes robotic arm in order to paint spills on canvas with black acrylic paint. Context   Recently we have clearly observed immense changes in production, prototyping, and innovation that has been influenced by open source software, firmware and hardware. Human … Read more


Cork-based 3d printing – Topological Optimisation Design Introduction    The seminar invites students to explore new materials, additive processes and new fields of applications through robotic 3d printing taking advantage of the potential of the 6-axes of the robotic arm. Context   Recently we have clearly observed immense changes in architectural design development. Architecture has been influenced … Read more

Designing Dynamic Forms – Robotic Fabrication Techniques

Team member(s):zeyu chao, Elizabeth.frias.martinez,Chi.Lee 3Dprint pavilion Introduction This project explores the large-scale robotic clay printing of a pavilion, with the geometry divided into four equal segments. The chosen geometry, Segment 1, was further developed into modular units to optimize the construction process. The modular approach allows for efficient fabrication and assembly, enhancing the structural and … Read more

Computational Design Strategies for Robotic Fabrication


The Software-I seminar introduces computational design strategies for robotic fabrication, focusing on the software aspects of these processes. The following exercises cover different manufacturing strategies that translate digital models into buildable forms through precise toolpath development and simulation. These include an end-to-end process from conceptual design to the generation of fabrication files for robotic systems, … Read more