ASU 500 | Prototipos Eco-socioespaciales

El Centro Histórico de Asunción atraviesa hace más de 15 años un proceso de deterioro crónico. A su vez es el área de la ciudad que contiene al mayor porcentaje de patrimonio edilicio histórico y arquitectónico y también a los edificios institucionales del gobierno. En el año 2037, la ciudad estará cumpliendo 500 años desde … Read more

THE NEST | Urban Intervention

The design began with the process of understanding the culture, the climate and the people of Accra, Ghana. The design is based in a tropical climate where the temperatures and the humidity are high. This design was then set in a Metaversal city that was a culmination of 6 sites from different regions of the … Read more

BUILDINGS WITHOUT ARCHITECTS: A Global Guide to Everyday Architecture by John May | Ecological Thinking

This blog is a review of the book, Buildings without Architects: A Global Guide to Everyday Architecture by John May. The book is a culmination of 60+ different styles of vernacular architecture ranging from different materials and different regions of the world. “Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness.” – … Read more

DELIRIOUS NEW YORK: A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan by Rem Koolhaas | Ecological Thinking II

This blog is a review of the book “Delirious New York” written by Rem Koolhaas. “The future is no longer about power, but about bandwidth.” Rem Koolhas Rem Koolhaas wrote a novel titled “Delirious New York” that outlines the evolution and background of Manhattan’s design and urbanism. Koolhaas wrote this book because he desired to … Read more

London’s Urban Micro-Facilities

A Story of a Beloved Design This is a story of a one-of-a-kind creation in history, the British Red Telephone Box, which soon after its implementation in 1921 became a symbol of british culture and identity, an inseparable part of the nation’s and, more specifically of London’s urban landscape. Successful designs can be timeless, resonating … Read more


A MULTI REALITY MUMBAI EXPERIENCE! ABSTRACT The ‘Interact [CITY]’ project is aimed at providing a comprehensive understanding of Mixed Reality technologies and their building blocks through a practical exploration of Augmented Reality (AR) using the Unity Engine. The focus of the project was to examine the different applications of AR in the creative process of … Read more

Peaceful parasites

Historical data Peaceful parasites is based in Belfast, Northern Ireland and addresses the urban scars created by the recent troubles. Deep rooted segregation has generated detrimental urban divides and this project aims to solve this problem. Historically, the troubles started in 1969 and subsides to some degree in 1998 with the ¨good friday agreement¨. 2023 … Read more

Advanced Digital Tools for Open Nature | Mil Ramas

Through the classes of this course, we practised and learned how to apply the parametric software Grasshopper as well as associated plug-ins into our computational designs. We implemented what we learned in our studio projects in order to comprehend it in real-time. Since our project did not require any direct fabrication through 3d software, we … Read more

Fabrication for Open Nature | Mil Ramas

INTRODUCTION The Design and Fabrication course’s main objective is to orient us towards learning and gaining experience in the use of tools and machines in relation to fabrication. Through designing, manufacturing and prototyping the models we were able to gain hands-on experience on how to fabricate and construct our projects. Valldaura Green FabLab provided us … Read more

Ciudad Vieja Comestible

Laboratorio urbano para un futuro más sostenible en lo que se refiere a los sistemas alimentarios y la ciudad que lo construye.  “La comida da forma a las ciudades y moldea el campo que la abastece. Podría decirse que alimentar ciudades tiene un impacto sobre nosotros y nuestro planeta mucho mayor que cualquier actividad humana. … Read more


Tejiendo desde el inconsciente El Barrio Los Erasos se funda en 1958. Es un barrio intersticial y mientras contiene embaulada la Quebrada ”Anauco”, posee espacios deportivos diferenciados a pequeña escala. Su crecimiento es únicamente en vertical por la condición geográfica en la que se encuentra, mientras el espacio a cielo abierto es la única pista … Read more

Naturaleza Positiva

La planificación urbana que no tiene en cuenta los servicios ecosistémicos consolida la desigualdad espacial y económica, profundiza la pobreza, disminuye la calidad de vida de personas y otras especies y degrada el suelo, el agua y el aire. Los esquemas de protección, restauración y regeneración natural en las zonas urbanas son insuficientes. Costa Rica, … Read more