Figure 1.1: New York Seasonal Change
New York City experiences distinct seasonal changes that shape its environment and urban character. In spring, the city transitions to milder conditions, with unpredictable weather patterns and renewed greenery. Summer brings intense heat and humidity, influencing activity patterns and urban energy demands. Fall is marked by cooler, stable weather and striking foliage, while winter transforms the landscape with freezing temperatures and snow, creating a stark contrast to the warmer months.
Understanding Our Location
Air Temperature

Figure 1.2: Seasonal Air Temperature

Figure 1.3: Annual Air Temperature

Figure 1.4: Thermal Insulation and Thermal Inertia
New York has cold winters and hot summers. Strategies such as thermal insulation and thermal inertia are essential to maintain comfort during these temperature extremes.
Highest radiation is in May but the highest temperature is in July. The Earth’s surface and atmosphere absorb solar energy over time. Although solar radiation is highest in May, the accumulated heat continues to raise temperatures into July, resulting in the hottest month occurring later in the summer.

Figure 1.5: Annual Relative Humidity

Figure 1.6: Rainwater Management
Precipitation is common in New York. Incorporating rainwater harvesting systems and green roofs helps manage runoff and mitigate flood problems, as well as providing environmental benefits.

Summer: Winds predominantly come from the W, NE and SSE
Directions to study:
- West: 5.5 – 8 m/s
- North East: 5.5 – 8 m/s
- SSE: 5.5 – 8 m/s
These winds can enhance thermal comfort and natural ventilation, especially for buildings and public spaces open to the W and SSW.
Spring: A mix of W, NE Winds
Directions to Study:
North East: 7.9 – 10.7 m/s
West: 7.9 – 10.7 m/s
Autumn: Predominantly from the W and NE, similar to winter but with slightly more balance across directions.
Directions to study:
W: 5.5 – 7.9 m/s
NE: 7.9 m/s
Winter: Winds primarily come from the W.
Directions to study:
- West: 10.7 – 13.8 m/s
- North East: 8 – 11 m/s
Outdoor spaces face harsher conditions, requiring windbreaks or sheltered designs for pedestrian comfort.
Figure 1.7: Wind Rose

Figure 1.8: Comparison between dry bulb temperature and wind
Sun Path

Figure 1.9: Sun Path
Having as an average direct sunlight value 100000 lux, the amount of luxes during the day is not excessive and is very constant trough the year.
In the case of the diffuse radiation, the most amount comes from the south-east and only gets lower during the winter.
Bigger changes of temperature occur from summer to fall and to winter to spring.
Sky Visualisation

We should decrease windows and views to the part of the sky that is red due to the fact that even if the temperatures are not extremely high in summer or spring, the humidity in New York is high (specially in spring and more in Summer) increasing the warm feeling.
The red is where the majority of solarization is occurring in the sky. This correspond to the winter trajectory.
We should therefore preserve windows and views to this part of the sky to get maximum solar radiation. If we are concerned with passive heating.
Figure 1.10: Annual and Seasonal Radiation
Sky Visualisation is important to understand how solar radiation is distributed in the sky. This is done before the radiation study.

Figure 1.11: Radiation Benefit and Harm
Solar radiation building using 18 degrees (optimal for a residential building). Having as a requirement 70kwh/m2 for a new home, we can aproximately have an understanding on how much energy coming from the sun we have to avoid or take. For this, we might need some different material to protect different zones of the building.

Figure 1.12: Annual Radiation (Ladybug Tools)
DNR measures the amount of solar radiation received directly from the sun on a surface that is perpendicular (normal) to the sun’s rays.
DHR helps quantify the amount of solar energy that can be utilized when the sky is overcast or when direct sunlight is limited.
GHR provides a measure of total solar radiation on a horizontal surface, combining both DNI and DHF.
MRT & UTCIS for Public Comfort

Figure 1.13 MRT & UTCIS for public comfort (Only daily hours considered (8:00am – 20:00pm))
Ladybug is used for calculating the mean radiant temperature. The analysis is not taking trees, or other vegetation into calculation. the MRT is based on direct and difused horizontal solar radiation, relative humidity, wind speed, dry bulb temperatures and horizontal infrared radiation.
Plot and Massing

Figure 2.1: Current condition mapped on topography (Online Data)
Our Site
Given the latitude of New York, impact of the environment in the design of the building is very important for the wellbeing of the inhabitants. The chosen plot is very relevant in NY due to the fact that is the only one available in Manhattan. It’s important for this reason to develop a building that keeps the public space as unused as possible. It’s important to mention that the plot has great views to the river. Important to take into account for the position of the windows and the shading devices.
686 1st Ave., New York, NY
Massing Studies



Two Towers

Figure 2.2: Massing Studies
Environmental Simulations
Seasonal Sun Hour Simulation

Figure 3.1 Seasonal Sun Hour Simulation with Ladybug
Comparing the simulation of sunlight hours within the four volumes, we can see how the most horizontal ones achieve better exposure to winter hours, but since these are volumes with interior patios, this light cannot easily access them either.
Seasonal Incident Radiation

Figure 3.2: Seasonal Incident Radiation with Ladybug
The volumetry that is clearly exposed to higher levels of radiation is that of the two vertical towers, receiving higher values in all seasons of the year.
MRT & UTCIS for public comfort (Only daily hours considered (8:00am – 20:00pm))

Figure 3.3: MRT & UTCIS for public comfort (Only daily hours considered (8:00am – 20:00pm)) with Honeybee

Figure 3.4: MRT & UTCIS for public comfort (Only daily hours considered (8:00am – 20:00pm)) with Honeybee
The different location tests for one of the volumes demonstrate how the correct location of the same can have a favorable influence in summer and winter months, with the volume itself being a protection against the influence of the open space that is located in the south-east area of the plot.
Strategies with ground materials for UCTI Improvements

Figure 3.5: Strategies with ground materials for UCTI Improvements
We also verified how the application of different materials within the plot’s own pavement can favorably affect the UTCI values of the hottest weeks of summer.

Figure 3.6: Urban Comfort with Urban Designs. Jul 9th 15:00 (Summer hottest week) °C
We also carry out different tests to populate the plot with vegetation and with pergola-type devices that cast shadows along the desired paths. These design strategies achieve improvements of more than five degrees simply by using the design.
Urban Comfort with Urban Designs

Figure 3.7: Conclusion Summary Diagrams

Figure 3.8: Incident radiation & direct sun hours. Ladybug Analysis on openings
The simulations of incident radiation and direct sunlight on the window openings, as well as the studies of sunlight in the four volumetries, demonstrate how, for the four volumes, openings of 0.3 percent of openings in the façade achieve favourable values on all the interiors.

Figure 3.9 Daylight Studies

Figure 3.10: Annual Daylight Simulations

Figure 3.11: Daylight Studies – HP Apertures by Ratio

Figure 3.12: Daylight Studies – HP Apertures by Ratio
Going deeper into the ratio of openings in the façade, we observe that those around or below 0.1 are insufficient, while from zero point three percent of the ratio the results of daylight autonomy are positive.
Wind Analysis Simulations

Figure 3.13: Wind Analysis Simulations using Infrared City and Optimisation using Galapagos
For the simulations of winds on the plot we have used the three predominant directions, NW, NE and W. The annual wind simulations for these directions applied to the volumetry of the two towers with the help of infrared and Galapagos show how the rotation and position of the towers tends to align against the highest wind speeds to achieve larger surfaces with lower values.
Seasonal Wind Analysis

Figure 3.14: Seasonal Wind Analysis using Infrared City
Analysing summer and winter winds we can see a contrast between their behavior, with summer values being much more static while in winter there are highly unfavorable areas, suggesting that design strategies can compensate for them with the help of vegetation.
Orientation of Buildings:
Orient buildings to minimize exposure to the strong prevailing winds from the NW/WNW, especially for façades and outdoor spaces that require protection from harsh winds.
Use the winds from the SE to enhance natural ventilation, particularly for riverside-facing buildings.
Windbreaks and Vegetation:
Implement windbreaks such as trees or architectural screens along the NW/WNW side to reduce wind impact.
Use vegetation and landscaping near the SE side to soften and utilize the breezes for cooling purposes.
Outdoor Spaces:
Design outdoor areas like courtyards, terraces, or parks with protection from the NW/WNW winds. For example, use walls, berms, or recessed spaces.
Leverage the SE breezes to create pleasant riverside promenades or cooling zones in summer.
Building Shape and Aerodynamics:
Consider rounded or tapered building edges to deflect and manage the strong winds from the NW/WNW direction.
Incorporate porous elements (e.g., open façades or vented screens) in riverside-facing structures to allow smoother airflow and reduce wind pressure.
Pedestrian Comfort:
Design pedestrian pathways and public spaces to avoid wind tunnels caused by prevailing NW/WNW winds being funneled between buildings.
Place shelters or covered walkways in areas exposed to strong winds.