The Seminar provides students with an essential introduction to the world of open-source programming languages and physical computing, in order to create a synchronous and meaningful interaction between the physical and digital realms.
After gaining the necessary hardware and software knowledge, students are able to integrate interfaces, visualising methods, data sensing, and actuation, to conduct more advanced research and architectural proposals with embedded technology.


Multiple electronic devices are used every day but it is hardly known how they are really made, how they work or what is the technology standing behind. Electronic devices are intentionally designed to be a “black box” that cannot be opened or modified, they can be accessed only through the provided closed interfaces. However, thanks to open source hardware and software it is becoming possible to understand how technology works and also to build personalised devices and machines.


Credits: Happy Plants: Self-Regulating Watering System by Michael Groth
Introduction to Programming and Physical Computing Seminar 2021/22


The Introduction to Programming and Physical Computing Seminar provides an essential introduction to the world of open source programming languages and physical computing. In this seminar students simultaneously learn basic programming and physical computing concepts. This equips students with the necessary hardware / software for data sensing and actuations to conduct more advanced research and architectural proposals with embedded technology. The students are introduced to the Arduino IDE and microcontroller as a platform to create devices that interact with their environment using sensors and actuators.


Learning Objectives

At course completion the students will:

  • learn the basic concepts of programming that allows them to reach more depth in various physical computing topics as well as to jump to different programming languages;
  • be able to sense the environment and act back through actuators;
  • to develop smart apparatus that react to external conditions.


Faculty Assistants

Projects from this course

Dancing plant

Dancing plant is a project of IAAC, the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, developed in the Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA01) 2021/22 by student: Sebastian Oliver Dahl; faculty: Angel Muñoz; faculty assistant: Shahar Abelson. The dancing plant is a playful amplification of the reach of 8 motors. The plant has two modes: one is … Read more

Ultrasonic Sensor HC – SR04 and LCD

Ultrasonic sensors are great tools to measure distance without actual contact. In this project we have used an Ultrasonic Sensor to determine the distance of an obstacle from the sensor that is read by LCD screen. Basic principal of ultrasonic distance measurement is based on ECHO. When sound waves are transmitted in environment then waves … Read more

Radar Alarm

The system consists in a Radar that works similarly as a car sensor. It is made out of an ultrasonic sensor that can detect objects and can identify the distance where they are. This sensor rotates 180 degrees in a servomotor and when the information gets back is processed by IDE Processing to map the … Read more

Distance & Light Detecting System

Abstract Using Ultrasonic sensor for detecting the distance and display the value at the LCD screen, while under certain value the Microservomotor rotates 90 degrees. Also, detecting the light by using a Light sensor, which values is being displaying to the LCD screen throw the message ‘dim’ or ‘bright’ light. BoM (Bill of materials) Code … Read more

Soil Moisture and Light Alarm

Goal The aim of this project is to grow the plants with no worries regarding the light or water.This is how the procedure is being done;Soil Moisture receives the data based on the code applied on Arduino UNO board. If the moisture is not enough the buzzer would reacts and rings to alert.Addition to this, … Read more

The Temperamental Alarm

Project Concept The idea was to create a system that measures the surrounding temperature and humidity and then displays it on a backlight lcd screen. It also checks if the temperature is out of limits range and starts an alarm, as well as displays a warning on the screen. This system could be used in … Read more

Radar System using Ultrasonic Sensor

Abstract Looking at the advancement of technology in computational design in architecture, we can also use the implementation of kinetic facades as a prevention mechanism towards its environment. It can help in detecting aerial animals or any flying object; drones, to prevent any collision with the surface. Functioning An ultrasonic sensor sends ultrasonic waves which … Read more

Automatic Shade

Concept and Inspiration The main idea was to recreate the controls for automatic sunroofs which react to sunlight and rain. They incorporate light and rain sensors alongside a manual control via buttons. The idea is to have the sunroof deploy when the sun is too bright, retract when it’s getting dark and either retract or … Read more

Mobile ‘illithea’

“Do electronic ‘cats’ dream of bluetooth mouse?” Just like a pet cat, it will run around in random directions around your house and also away from you. But this is not a cat. It’s a small ‘robotic’ pet that will keep you company and not get bored. Unlike a cat, it won’t run into things … Read more


This project uses 4 LED lights that turn on according to the position of a joystick. This is done by using ranges and evaluating if the position is inside or outside the range that belongs to each light. Later on, a Servo Motor is added with a double helix, that points at each one of … Read more

Automated Pantograph

//Step 1 interest What interested me in the subject of programming was how complex operations can be decomposed into simple steps. I was impressed by the example of the computer: how the coding system changes at different levels and how multiple combinations come out of binary code. Therefore I decided to study mechanical motion to … Read more


CONCEPT Energy-Saving Lighting System can be implemented on long corridors as well as public spaces of transit which have low motion density and constant lighting is profligate. The initiation of light follows people’s passing and, using the readout from two ultrasonic sensors, the luminance depends on the proximity of people to the power source, the … Read more

Sound and Distance-Activated Motor

The intention of this project was to use two sensors (sound and distance) to ultimately activate a single motor. A sound sensor is first used to trigger an LED. If the LED was previously off, then it is activated. In this case, the distance sensor is also activated.Based on the distance detected, a motor is … Read more

Very safe parking

The purpose of the project was to create a simplified version of car parking technology  It is assumed that the sensors are located on both sides of the object (a car). On one side, the Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 measures the distance to the collision object (for instance, a wall). The Output data is displayed on … Read more

Ultrasonic Opening Mechanism

Concept This project has been inspired by the mechanism of Automatic Doors. Automatic doors respond to the movement in front of the activation sensors which opens and closes the door. This mechanism has been replicated in this Arduino project with the help of an Ultrasonic Sonic Sensor and Servo Motor. The LEDs have been used … Read more

Smart Water System

CONCEPT The project aims to operate a smart water pump device that can be used in domestic, commercial, and agricultural applications. It has sensors that are switching outputs on and off according to the requirement and monitor the water level in a tank or well. Reducing and optimizing the usage of water, energy and time. … Read more