Pot Maker is an app designed for creating 3D models of vases and pots. Users can generate models for 3D printing or create a mold box for casting gypsum pots. The app includes pre-set designs to help users start experimenting easily. https://datamgmt25.iaac.net/
The app is intended for individuals interested in ceramics and clay who want to explore new technologies, even if they have no prior experience with 3D modelling.

Inputs user can play with:
- Model type
- Basic pot dimensions (height + radius)
- Rotation angle
- Polygon index (circular, oval, square)
- 3D model of the pot
- 3D model of the mold box
- Vase Volume: X cm3
- Print Time – vase: X hours
- Print cost – vase: X €
- Print Time – mold: X hours
- Print cost – vase: X €
- Mold Dimensions: X cm3