The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.



Concept Automatic feeder for stray cats In today’s world, homeless animals are often invisible in everyday life and often suffer from the harsh conditions of urban life. Such homeless animals in many cities are cats, which have always played an important role in people’s lives, having a positive impact on our health and emotional state.  … Read more


CONCEPT I hate sweaty armpits. I hate having them, and I wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemy. Although sweat is a normal bodily function, it might be an insecurity for some.However, this worthless device will not come close to addressing the problem. But it might shame you into taking the proper actions. Introducing: PitPatrol™, … Read more


The system is designed to facilitate regular bird-watching opportunities through the observation deck. Distinguishing between average bird flights in the troposphere and migratory bird flocks in the stratosphere from the other layers of atmosphere, it focuses on capturing stratospheric and Tropospheric activity. LEDs on the observation deck signify flock distance, alerting bird watchers to arrivals … Read more

The Be(a)ver_ages

Auto detective feeding mechanism Concept This project aligns with studio design, aiming to facilitate the re-establishment of beaver territories in a specific area.  The device integrates motion sensors and sound detection to identify the presence of beavers and dispense food accordingly, represented by a servo motor with LED lights indicating food dispensing.  Simultaneously, an LCD … Read more