During the Master in City & Technology + Thesis Project, students have the unique opportunity to work for an additional time of 9 months on an Individual Thesis Project, focused on the development of one research or pilot project based on the student’s interest. IAAC supports the student in selecting their Thesis Project topic in order to better orient them according to their future career interests and opportunities. Each student is assigned one or more Thesis Advisors that follow the development of the work throughout the year.



The aim of this workshop was to propose an interview in one of the many farms in Parc Agrari complex. It is understood by local municipality and consortium of the park that the whole Parc Agrari has been suffering pressure from the real state market, in order to give the land up for the construction … Read more


INTRODUCTION Urbanization poses escalating threats to ecological systems, necessitating the creation of urban ecological commons. This exercise focuses on Mumbai’s metro network, comprising 357 kilometres, 16 lines, and 38 interchanges, as a context for enhancing neighbourhood biodiversity through strategic environment plugins. By leveraging NDVI mapping from Google Earth Engine, areas with high ecological threats and … Read more

Punta Vagno

Punta Vagno! was developed by Kriti Bhavesh Nirmal, Maddalena Caviglia, Noé Guérin, Sophie Köcher-Schulz, Maria Augusta Kroetz, Étienne Lajoie-Asselin, Joshua Mingers, Marta Pianta, with the support of trainers from the Vienna University of Economics and Business, the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, the University of Genoa and ALDA, during the Green Skills for Cities … Read more


THE DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF CLIMATE ACTION INTERVENTIONS AND MODELS Our explorations surround the creation of climate action data models for the city of Mumbai. For a context that is only now becoming aware of the potential of data, The creation of interactive models can help educate citizens. The curation of multimedia models prototyped and … Read more

City in Transition

The workshop led by Felipe Vera and Camila Arretche explored the possible interrelation between human migration, informal settlements, and future climate change in the domain of Latin America. Building over the premise based on an increase in forced human migration would lead to the rise or stem of new informal settlements. It could induce an … Read more

Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve

“Costanera Sur” Ecological Reserve gathers the largest amount of biodiversity within the City of Buenos Aires and extends over 350 hectares. It houses more than 2000 animal species, including birds, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles. And it has native vegetation, such as its grasslands of grasslands and alder forests. The three interfaces that we focused on … Read more


Barrio Rodrigo Bueno Understanding the environmental challenges and climate change, some cities are affected earlier than others. For this we are focusing on Buenos Aires, Argentina on a particular neighborhood, Rodrigo Bueno. After analyzing the current environmental impact challenges and assessing the future impacts we have suggested a flood resilient strategy and adaptative interventions for … Read more