The Master in City & Technology’s academic structure is based on IAAC’s innovative, learn-by-doing and design-through-research methodology which focuses on the development of interdisciplinary skills. During the Master in City & Technology students will have the opportunity to be part of a highly international group, including faculty members, researchers, and lecturers, in which they are encouraged to develop collective decision-making processes and materialize their project ideas.


Big Data Analytics in the Airline Industry

The case of Greece The air connections constitute critical components of the entire transportation industry in Greece. The geopolitical position of the country as well as its geographical features (mountainous landscape, islands and sea) make the air transport industry essential not only to the regional development and the growth of tourist activity, that comprises a … Read more

Curated Art Walk, BCN

Located in northeastern Spain, on the shores of the Mediterranean, Barcelona has long been hailed as a European cultural capital. From its thriving art scene to its incredible architecture and world-famous gastronomy, here’s why an art and culture lover will fall head over heels for Barcelona. The intent of the whole project is to identify … Read more

Potential of CO2 mitigation by hempcrete

Hemp industry is one fast-growing, environment-friendliest, and perspective branch of the World economy. The hemp market is driven by the growing demand for industrial hemp from application industries, such as the food & beverage, personal care, and animal care industries, across the globe. This infographics of hemp production is made in Grasshopper using imported geojson … Read more

Streets for People: La Barceloneta

La Barceloneta is one of the most popular neighborhoods in Barcelona. This old fishermen’s neighborhood forms an inseparable entity with the beach of the same name and is synonymous with a lot of charm, food gastronomy, old traditional pubs and a very lively atmosphere. The aim of the proposal is to identify the streets that … Read more