IAAC’s Master in City & Technology (1 or 2-year program) is a unique program oriented towards redefining the analysis, planning, and design of twenty-first-century cities and beyond. The program offers expertise in the design of digitally enhanced, ecological and human-centered urban environments by intersecting the disciplines of urbanism and data science. Taking place in Barcelona, the capital of urbanism, the Master in City & Technology is training the professionals that city administrations, governments, industries, and communities need, to transform the urban environment in the era of big data.


Plant species x Insect species

Pollination is a vital process that is carried out by a few species that help in transferring the pollen grains between the flower species, in turn enhancing the ecological aspect in the environment. We notice that there has been an alarming number of decline in the pollinator insect species and the plant species over the … Read more

Potential of CO2 mitigation by hempcrete

Hemp industry is one fast-growing, environment-friendliest, and perspective branch of the World economy. The hemp market is driven by the growing demand for industrial hemp from application industries, such as the food & beverage, personal care, and animal care industries, across the globe. This infographics of hemp production is made in Grasshopper using imported geojson … Read more

Fun facts about Oscar and film industry

Every February, film lovers would be expecting where would the Oscar Awards go to. Academy Awards, known as Oscar has gone through 94 years, encouraging the workers as well as the industry developing. When we go back to the data about Oscar and the film production industry, we can find some interesting facts. I collected … Read more

Can forests still prevent floods?

Almost ten percent of Europe’s urban population is currently living in areas potentially at risk of flooding [EEA, 2022]. More than one third of the European population lives in coastal regions [EEA, 2022]. Forests play a vital role in controlling flooding by covering the soil surface from erosion due to rain, soaking up excess rainwater, … Read more

Topography of Tears

Laser Cutting – Material Repositories Material repositories consist of a timeline to estimate the demolition of building blocks, as an identification method for materials extraction based on the circular economy’s principles from 2022 to 2072. Choosing a study area La Dreta de L’Eixample neighborhood, we identify the buildings which can be used as material extraction … Read more


THE DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF CLIMATE ACTION INTERVENTIONS AND MODELS Our explorations surround the creation of climate action data models for the city of Mumbai. For a context that is only now becoming aware of the potential of data, The creation of interactive models can help educate citizens. The curation of multimedia models prototyped and … Read more

Urban Data Visualisation – Barcelona and Brazil

The aim of this studio was to explore the design opportunities arising from three common digital fabrication processes: Laser Cutting, CNC milling and 3D Printing. These exercises were supported by an interactive exploration of each technology and material, while also understanding conceptual and prototyping process of design. 1. Laser Cutting The first digital fabrication exercise … Read more

Process & Prototypes

During the first seminar on Design for interaction and fabrication, we explored 3 different manufacturing techniques: we started with Laser cutting for the project @mazing 4.0 designed during the Internet of buildings studio and adopted CNC milling and 3D printing, highlighted with a video mapping projection for the project Eskurtze Parkea developed during computational urban … Read more

“Water Bodies towards crisis management”

Potential Conflicts related to flooding phenomena in highly urbanized and agricultural areas.

Almost every day, we are confronted with dramatic images of communities and environments incrisis . Flash floods have recently become one of Greece’s most common natural occurrencesafter wildfires. Flooding occurs due to rapid rainfall and heavy storms, from rising river levelsor melting snow.Deforestation, poor soil quality and rapid urbanization significantly contribute to the genesis of … Read more


HANDS OVER BEIRUT Beirut Blast impact assessment visualization Neighborhood: Mar Mikhael (Beirut port)/ Gemmayze – Bashoura – Ashrafieh The Area chosen has received the most impact and visualization of the plot of land where buildings got damaged but on a different scale is relevant to understand the shock wave repartition. To physically be able to … Read more

Streets for People: La Barceloneta

La Barceloneta is one of the most popular neighborhoods in Barcelona. This old fishermen’s neighborhood forms an inseparable entity with the beach of the same name and is synonymous with a lot of charm, food gastronomy, old traditional pubs and a very lively atmosphere. The aim of the proposal is to identify the streets that … Read more

Pedestrianize La Sagrada Familia neighborhood

What is La Sagrada Familia neigborhood? First of all, La Sagrada Familia cathedral is one of the most visited by tourists attractions in Spain. History of La Sagrada Familia Quartier. Urban design issue Initially, Antonio Gaudi, while in charge of designing La Sagrada, envisioned removing two inhabited blocks in front of the main facade of … Read more

Reclaiming the Street

The Sant Martí district of Barcelona includes the past and the future of the city, ??with ten neighborhoods that share a common link: an industrial past. Sant Martí was originally a large territory on the outskirts of Barcelona’s wall, and was hardly inhabited. It used to be marshes, swamps and lagoons belonging to the Besòs … Read more

growing sidewalks

Poblenou, Barcelona The project focused on a specific site in the district of Poblenou, which has been identified as the one who has the most problematic street conditions. Traffic accidents, asphalt, no liveability and no safety. “Growing sidewalks” proposes a design strategy to change this, projecting into the needs of the future. Site overview and … Read more

City in Transition

The workshop led by Felipe Vera and Camila Arretche explored the possible interrelation between human migration, informal settlements, and future climate change in the domain of Latin America. Building over the premise based on an increase in forced human migration would lead to the rise or stem of new informal settlements. It could induce an … Read more

Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve

“Costanera Sur” Ecological Reserve gathers the largest amount of biodiversity within the City of Buenos Aires and extends over 350 hectares. It houses more than 2000 animal species, including birds, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles. And it has native vegetation, such as its grasslands of grasslands and alder forests. The three interfaces that we focused on … Read more


Barrio Rodrigo Bueno Understanding the environmental challenges and climate change, some cities are affected earlier than others. For this we are focusing on Buenos Aires, Argentina on a particular neighborhood, Rodrigo Bueno. After analyzing the current environmental impact challenges and assessing the future impacts we have suggested a flood resilient strategy and adaptative interventions for … Read more

North Red Sea Metropolis

North Red Sea Metropolis (NRSM)

North region of Red Sea. Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia Concept statement North Red Sea Metropolis (NRSM) is a hypothetical metropolis that combines towns and industrial areas in 4 neighboring countries of the North part of the Red Sea: Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. Considering the vicinity of Neom city, the Suez sea trade … Read more

Adventure in Tokyo Rivers

Intro What’s your first impression of Tokyo?  A lot of people would say skyscrapers, high-technology, cherry blossoms, etc. When we search for pictures of Tokyo, we can see high-rise buildings filling the city horizontally. This could give people the impression that Tokyo is flat. However, Tokyo is a city with a lot of hills. We … Read more

Benidorm 360

A new ecosystem for a global tourism destination Benidorm, Alicante The city of Benidorm is the most renowned mass tourism destination on the Spanish Mediterranean coast. It has been recently acknowledged as a sustainable urban development to support the mass-tourism industry; however, Benidorm had received strong criticism during many years, mainly because of its striking … Read more

The Ho(s)t City

Muscat, Oman – one of Middle East’s oldest port cities, is known for its rich cultural heritage and diverse natural landscape. The urban fabric is concentrated along the coastline and dissipates into the rural areas. The disparity in the concentration of population and the increased use of natural resources to support the growing economy has … Read more