The Master Programme in Robotics and Advanced Construction is an innovative educational format that offers interdisciplinary skills and understanding through a series of class seminars that are put into practice through hands-on workshops. IAAC gives students the opportunity to create individual studio agendas and develop Pilot Thesis Projects based on the knowledge acquired during the seminars and workshops split into 3 Modules. In this way, IAAC puts together an experimental learning environment for the training of professionals with both theoretical and practical responses to the increasing complexity of the construction sector.


Scanning to compare clay bricks: Digital vs Real

In this course we learned about the Robotic Operating System (ROS) and the MoveIt motion planning using Python for controlling robots. We also utilized development tools such as Git and Docker for managing the data. We learned about different types of sensors which helped for the robot’s motion visualization and scanning for the purpose of … Read more

Robotic Manufacturing of Cork Surfaces

The objective of this studio was to implement an automated robotic process for the efficient fabrication of modular cork blocks, essential components of a doubly curved acoustic surface. The key objectives encompassed the following: By addressing these objectives, the studio aimed to advance the field of robotic fabrication while emphasizing the acoustic potential of cork … Read more

Ruled Stereotomic Manufacturing

Ruled surfaces are a way to address both simplicity in terms of design rules and at the same time complexity in terms of the outcome. In this workshop we aimed at defining design rules which are performance driven, to obtain modular geometries. Through parametrization and manipulation of computational workflows we generated paths and mapped them … Read more


Wood is a naturally grown material that is often seen by industry as a linear and standardized entity. “re(al)form” focuses on the resulting leftovers, which take the naturally grown form language of wood from nature to create an aesthetic and seamless facade which takes the fiber direction as a main input. The project embodies aesthetic … Read more

Stapler of Art

A Stapler Gun End Effector Description The project aims to deal with art in new different techniques that keeps up with the technology by getting the best of the robotic arm in a way to create staple art pieces that can achieve new ways of art depending on the robots. The main idea evolved around … Read more

Virtuoso Robotico

A robot that plays the synthesizer Project description This project aims to create an end-effector for the ABB140 that can push down the keys of a piano, and play a variation of different intervals. For this purpose, we had to integrate three servo motors that were programmed using a python script which runs raspberry pi … Read more


In this workshop we explored computation design and fabrication through the study of stereotomic geometries. Our task was to create a stereotomic voussoir – which is a single element in an arch or vault – whose logic could be decoded so that it could be built in grasshopper and then be replicated across the surface … Read more

A Canadian tried to make a pizza…

Robotics in food manufacture Exercise Create a moving end effector to be installed on the ABB arm robot using the actuators and electronic components reviewed in class. Inspiration Inspiration for this device stemmed from the integration of robots in the food industry. Additional inspiration was drawn from the Latching End Effector (LEE) on the Canadarm. … Read more

Investigating Computed Forms

Overview This project explores the complexity that can be derived from the interactions between a small number of simple components and assembly instructions using Anemone. Connection faces were assigned for simple components consisting of less that 10 voxels and basic assembly instructions were designated using Anemone. Selection of connection faces was based on the subsequent … Read more

Generative Assemblages

This project focuses on generative assemblages made out of multiple identical modules. The design of the component and the iterative logic will influence the final assemblage. At first the focus lies on the design of the component and the connection points between each of them without adding occlusion. This results in a random growth that … Read more

Assemblage I.0

Assemblage is a design strategy that depend sin its methodology on computational thinking and following an iterative logic of design to achieve a growth of an accumulative design process. The design is based on designing different building blocks that follows a voxel shaped boxes that grow based on a computational design logic of different iterations … Read more

Permutation Growth

Abstract The introductory course of Software I focuses on the computational logic for assamblage and growth processes guided by algorythms. For starting, voxels were created as basic units and then joined to create a basic element geometry. By using Grasshopper and Anemone plug-in, different growth assamblages were established depending on the element’s position and starting … Read more

Computational Logic for Iterative Processes

The seminar mainly focused on the computational thinking and logic to design assemblages using iterative algorithmic strategies starting from a single module made out of basic cubes. The designed module was treated as the basic unit of computation, able to store and compute data. Starting from this initial element and position, the growth process was … Read more