Targeted toward students’ future careers in Academia, Start-up, or Industry, the second year of the Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction offers the opportunity to develop a thesis project with the support of IAAC infrastructure, experts and network.
The development of the project will be supported by advanced seminars in Technology, Theory, and Business to bring the proposal state of the art research that can really impact the construction industry.
In parallel to the development of the Thesis Project Studio, the second year of the Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction offers a series of seminars enhancing the theoretical, practical, and digital skills of the students. Students will also have the occasion to join cross-disciplinary workshops to build large prototypes and installations.


Context Is additive manufacturing going to change the way we fabricate? Certainly it is, additive manufacturing has an immense growth potential with a 22% annual growth as it has offers mass customization and reduced waste. One of the challenges in additive manufacturing is to improve the precision and reliability of the manufacturing process. This can … Read more


Mechanical Inserts for 3D printed Clay Due to land scarcity, the construction industry pushes architecture to shift its focus towards the entire life cycle of the final construction, considering its various phases, from its sourced material and manufacture, to its utilization and eventual end of life. Minimizing material usage and construction time has provoked the … Read more

Business of Mobile Additive Manufacturing

Rapid urbanization demands more efficient construction methods: Labor shortage in the construction industry: It is important to note the type of machinery being used by these two companies for 3D printing. Tvasta uses a robotic arm equipped with an extruder for printing concrete and L&T uses a gantry system, which is a big framework inside … Read more

Harmonic Grain Craft

How can we ensure high quality products using non-standardized wood in architecture? Abstract Inspired by the success of the “Realform” research project, which ingeniously reuses non-standardized wood scraps and uses the grain data to create a seamless, material-based design, this project aims to advance the topic of sustainability in architecture. Building on the foundation of … Read more


Changing architecture with AI Market study Architecture as a profession is well know for its long work hours and less pay. Because as an industry in general is the least optimised industry just above agriculture and hunting in 2020. This results into more work load and less output. Hence the productivity rate is negative 1.4,which … Read more

The Concept of ReWood Dynamics: A Sustainable Approach to Wood Products

The idea behind ReWood Dynamics centers on an innovative approach to using waste wood in the construction industry. This concept involves a two-phased process to transform discarded wood into a usable and sustainable building material. Initially, the concept requires a delignification treatment of waste wood. This process aims to enhance the structural integrity of the … Read more


A City’s Revolution has come!Uplifting its community by changing the perception and usage of modern cities through Hygiene Barcelona’s lack of public toilets can lead to unhygienic situations such as relieving oneself on the streets of the city but also having to find another solution without the guarantee of knowing if the facilities will be … Read more

Robotic Scanning

Objective of this research is to create a robotic scanning workflow that creates high definition meshes for use cases in design and fabrication. Tools Hardware and software used in this research are – UR RobotIntel Realsense D405MoveitIndustrial Reconstruction Initial Tests The initial tests were intended at understanding the parameters of the camera to obtain an … Read more

Post Tension Wood

Post Tension wood is a project created in different steps. Extracting logs from trees from 12 – 15 diameters, this project scans each piece with the purpose of optimizing the fabrication and reducing the waste. Workflow Set Up & Calibration Production plan

Scan + Reconstruct

Main idea for this research is to: Requirements + Setup This package requires a depth camera (for rgb and depth data) and an industrial robot (to broadcast its state, and track movement of the attached camera). The path planning is done with Moveit Motion Planning (moveit_github). The motion planner used for this particular series of … Read more

Robots and Grains

The state of the art shows our pursue to develop organic geometries using   Hyperboloid as design geometry The design takes advantage of the offcuts grain to create a rigid waffle-like structure. Horizontal and vertical members and then connected through notches and screws to stiffen the system. The outer horizontal members of this grid present bark … Read more

Computer vision and AI in the Additive Manufacturing process

How can we improve the additive manufacturing process? According to a panel of experts, this process is not perfect. There are several issues on it, like the time that they normally spend prototyping to have “the perfect piece”.  This involves different parameters like speed, pressure, Material Consistency, the calibration of the robot, etc.  In most … Read more

Limitearth Project

The annual construction waste is expected to reach 2.2 billion tons gobally by 2025, to try to solve this kind of problems in this sector we can use the Additive Manufacturing fot the optimization of Fabrication and construction. Key advantages of AM By 2020, the AM sector will grow up to a €13.4 billion industry … Read more

Context aware AM: Research Thesis

This research thesis seeks for an opportunity to introduce specific human actions in the additive manufacturing robotic process to generate custom and adaptive fabrication flows based on local needs and conditions and set in a cyber-physical working environment that will scan and verify the results before and after every intervention. 1. Framework According to UN, … Read more

Advance Technology: Context aware AM

The goal of this project is to present a Case Study about an adaptive additive manufacturing toolpath with a robotic arm. The process of printing sometimes brings variations or corrections on its way. The experiment seeks to 3d print a cylinder in clay where in the middle of the process, two pieces of PVC pipe … Read more