Targeted toward students’ future careers in Academia, Start-up, or Industry, the second year of the Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction offers the opportunity to develop a thesis project with the support of IAAC infrastructure, experts and network.
The development of the project will be supported by advanced seminars in Technology, Theory, and Business to bring the proposal state of the art research that can really impact the construction industry.
In parallel to the development of the Thesis Project Studio, the second year of the Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction offers a series of seminars enhancing the theoretical, practical, and digital skills of the students. Students will also have the occasion to join cross-disciplinary workshops to build large prototypes and installations.
SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS FOR BESPOKE ACOUSTIC DIFFUSER DESIGN A considerable amount of construction and wood waste is generated each year, mostly landfilled or burned for energy, contributing to severe environmental effects. The management of this waste is a significant challenge as it is often not suitable for secondary use. In this context, the circular economy concept … Read more
Stream of Outcasts
Introduction Our use of forestry resources has seen an increase in efficiency aimed at standardizing wood, a material that is inherently non-standard and heterogeneous by nature. However, the byproducts generated from this process are predominantly used for energy through combustion rather than being transformed into useful products. As more wood products are expected in construction, … Read more
Timber Tailor
Furniture has become an essential part of modern day society. Problem Currently an average consumer has a two choices, one to either shop at IKEA and get a generic furniture that every household has or to go for a designer furniture that breaks their bank. With the consumers increasingly looking for products that represent their … Read more
The efficient utilization of forestry products plays a vital role in sustaining industries such as construction and furniture manufacturing. To meet the demands of mass production, raw materials undergo a process of standardization, enabling streamlined operations and increased output. However, this standardization process results in the generation of valuable by-products such as planar offcuts. These … Read more
Post Tension Wood
Post Tension wood is a project created in different steps. Extracting logs from trees from 12 – 15 diameters, this project scans each piece with the purpose of optimizing the fabrication and reducing the waste. Workflow Set Up & Calibration Production plan
This project focuses on creating a workflow and a tool to automate the design process with irregular wood offcuts.
Matching Offcuts
This project focuses on resolving the algorithmic issues that needs to be tackled in order to automate the design process with irregular wood offcuts.
Scan + Reconstruct
Main idea for this research is to: Requirements + Setup This package requires a depth camera (for rgb and depth data) and an industrial robot (to broadcast its state, and track movement of the attached camera). The path planning is done with Moveit Motion Planning (moveit_github). The motion planner used for this particular series of … Read more
Robots and Grains
The state of the art shows our pursue to develop organic geometries using Hyperboloid as design geometry The design takes advantage of the offcuts grain to create a rigid waffle-like structure. Horizontal and vertical members and then connected through notches and screws to stiffen the system. The outer horizontal members of this grid present bark … Read more