Environmental Asset Resilience

The Environmental Asset Resilience (EAR) Tool is a response to the pressing global challenge of environmental instability, particularly in urban areas. These areas face substantial costs associated with environmental problems and climate change. However, decision-making in addressing these issues is complicated by conflicting priorities, limited resources, and a lack of expertise. The EAR Project aims … Read more


THESIS STATEMENT The objective of this thesis is to investigate the use of sawdust based biocomposite materials in the additive manufacturing of interlocking bricks. EcoBrickscape aims to develop a workflow that facilitates the generation of customizable shapes and infill designs that are optimal for interlocking and aggregating, enabling efficient fabrication and assembly. The study also … Read more


Ovolo – Eggshell Tiles Food waste is a massive problem, contributing to approximately 4.4 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions annually, as per the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.Greenhouse gas emissions from food waste in landfills exacerbate this issue. In egg food production, eggshells account for a significant portion of food waste. … Read more


INTRODUCTION Urbanization poses escalating threats to ecological systems, necessitating the creation of urban ecological commons. This exercise focuses on Mumbai’s metro network, comprising 357 kilometres, 16 lines, and 38 interchanges, as a context for enhancing neighbourhood biodiversity through strategic environment plugins. By leveraging NDVI mapping from Google Earth Engine, areas with high ecological threats and … Read more


“HACIA UN RED DE ECONOMÍA SOCIAL, INTERCAMBIO DE SABERES Y SUSTENTABILIDAD” El 59% del territorio en la Ciudad de México es suelo de conservación, mismo que provee de servicios ecosistémicos a la Ciudad en su conjunto. Nueve de las dieciséis demarcaciones que conforman a la Ciudad tienen Suelo de Conservación, algunas de ellas cuentan con … Read more


Challenge to solve The potential for a building to adapt to various uses is primarily determined during the initial stages of the design process. This feature is rarely considered by architects yet has a significant impact of a building’s sustainability. The intention is to provide an early-stage tool that architects can use to test adaptability … Read more


Posidonia Oceanica: The Aquatic Seagrass Species Posidonia oceanica is a species of aquatic seagrass that belongs to the Posidoniaceae family. It possesses roots, a rhizomatous stem, and ribbon-like leaves, resembling those of terrestrial plants. These features allow it to anchor itself to the seabed and spread horizontally, forming extensive meadows in the Mediterranean Sea. These … Read more


“Waste does not exist—products are designed and optimized for a cycle of disassembly and reuse.“                                                                                                                                                                                  _Ellen MacArthur Foundation The construction industry is the number one consumer of global raw materials while being one of the biggest producers of waste in the European Union.In this Research, we aim to explore the possibilities of secondary waste wood … Read more

New Delhi Resource Repository

The New Delhi Material Repository and Urban Mining project focuses on the city’s sustainable development by implementing the principles of urban mining and establishing a material repository. As the capital city of India, New Delhi holds significant historical and governmental importance, with its urban fabric comprising a combination of planned and unplanned elements. However, with … Read more

Localize the Loop, Barcelona

Recycling construction materials is of paramount importance in a city like Barcelona due to its numerous environmental, economic, and social benefits. Barcelona, like many urban centers, faces challenges related to rapid urbanization, resource scarcity, and environmental sustainability. By implementing a robust construction material recycling concept, the city can significantly reduce its construction waste, lower its … Read more

Second Slice

Second Slice Giving bread waste a second chance START-UP Second Slice is a start-up dedicated to transforming the sustainability landscape through the upcycling of bread waste into vegan leather using bread and mycelium. Our mission is to provide an eco-friendly alternative to traditional leather production while simultaneously reducing food waste. By harnessing the power of … Read more


‘Corkoon’ is a design proposal by a group of six students from MAEBB 2022-23 for the final thesis design of a Mobile home. The project aims to cater to the materiality aspects of a mobile home which we try to achieve by bio-mimicking the principles of a caterpillar in its chrysalis where it goes on … Read more

Territorios reactivos

Territorios reactivos refiere a la activación del territorio como respuesta a la provocación de la rehabilitación de parte de la infraestructura ferroviaria histórica de Uruguay. Esta responde a la demanda de una empresa multinacional del sector forestal para el traslado de su producción de celulosa desde Paso de los Toros al puerto de Montevideo.  Esta … Read more