
The efficient utilization of forestry products plays a vital role in sustaining industries such as construction and furniture manufacturing. To meet the demands of mass production, raw materials undergo a process of standardization, enabling streamlined operations and increased output. However, this standardization process results in the generation of valuable by-products such as planar offcuts. These … Read more

Almanac Autumn & Winter Rotation | Leafy

During the first session of the Agroecology course, we were introduced to the concept of bi-annual rotation agricultural system and its importance in restoring soil quality. Every Monday was spent actively taking care of the plant beds as part of Valldaura’s Living Labs. We prepared the beds by removing weeds, tilling the compact soil, mixing … Read more

RE:EDU: architecture for emergency

As a target country for  our project we selected Ukraine, the biggest European country that is located in the eastern part. Ukraine has 1000 years of history, during which it has been fighting for freedom and identity. In 2013 in Kyiv students started the protest, which evolved into the revolution of dignity, after the president … Read more

Climate Canopy

A new mobility hub for Green square station, Sydney, Australia Climate Canopy is a project about improving the qualities of Green Square station in Sydney, Australia. The Climate Canopy is an open-air timber grid shell creates an urban landmark by framing a new entrance to the station, without interfering with movement and wayfinding. The canopy … Read more


Vista del área de estudio.

Los impactos del cambio climático cada vez muestran panoramas más críticos, principalmente con las ciudades costeras por el incremento del nivel medio del mar (sin descartar las otras afectaciones en otros territorios por las sequías). Este panorama hará que muchas zonas costeras requieran de una mayor (o real) sensibilización, estrategias e intervenciones para mitigar y … Read more

Almanac | Autumn & Winter Rotations | Legumes

As part of the Self-Sustainable Living Labs Experience of Valldaura, students of the MAEBB Program take on the task of handling, maintaining and managing the 0.5 hectares of garden every year. The process involves preparing the soil (weeding, manuring and mulching), transplanting saplings & seeds and harvesting when necessary. For the Autumn Winter Rotation this … Read more

Ciudad Vieja Comestible

Laboratorio urbano para un futuro más sostenible en lo que se refiere a los sistemas alimentarios y la ciudad que lo construye.  “La comida da forma a las ciudades y moldea el campo que la abastece. Podría decirse que alimentar ciudades tiene un impacto sobre nosotros y nuestro planeta mucho mayor que cualquier actividad humana. … Read more

Almanac Autumn & Winter Rotation | Roots

As IAAC’s Valldaura Labs and Master in Advanced Ecological Buildings & Biocities (MAEBB) class of 2022/23, we have begun another yearly garden. Within the Agroecology course we started in October with a new autumn-winter rotation. The fresh seeds and saplings were planted and transplanted at the start of October and are still regularly maintained and … Read more


INTRODUCTION Known as the capital of the North, Tripoli is Lebanon’s second largest city: from a regional trade capital for the past centuries, the city is nowadays the most impoverished of Lebanon and on the Mediterranean. The city has been scared by the violent clashes and conflict over the past 40 years and is confronted … Read more


A lo largo de la historia las zonas limítrofes entre países se han erigido como territorios complejos y megadiversos, llevándolo al contexto latinoamericano la mayoría de estos lugares albergan problemáticas constantes de migración, contrabando, violencia, ambientales, entre muchos otros. La frontera Colombo – venezolana no escapa de estas realidades, aunado a la debacle de la … Read more

Hidrología Inteligente

¿Como afectará el Cambio Climático al ciclo del agua? El mundo evoluciona a pasos acelerados, tanto en progreso tecnológico, como en presión por parte de la naturaleza. La agenda del cambio climático corre de manera inversa al avance de las ciudades, y se hace una necesidad prever los escenarios que estos traerán a los lugares … Read more


THE FUTURE OF HEURA’S WORKSPACE THE GOAL of this project is to envision the future of HEURA FOODS workspace, considering existing technologies and climate change scenarios and using Barcelona’s historical building as a site for intervention. HEURA FOODS was founded in 2017 by Marc and Bernan in a co-working office in the center of Barcelona. … Read more

Advanced circularity: Transformative thinking toward design conception

Circularity is a concept related to circular economy, as a model of production and consumption of extended life cycles, this involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products implying waste reduction. The circular model uses materials in a cyclical chain of valuing natural resources at all production stages, it aims to … Read more

Advancing Circularity

Some Statistics The global Construction & demolition waste market is estimated to be USD 26.6 billion in 2021 and is projected to reach USD 34.4 billion by 2026, at a CAGR of 5.3% from 2021 to 2026. Challenges Solutions The Shearing layers – A concept by Architect Frank Duffy, Which was elaborated by Steward Brand … Read more