Genetic Optimization

Project Manifesto The project explores three main topics that represent a global concern within the present times: growing population, climate crisis and food production. Following these concepts, the main intervention is based on designing a city of the future, located in the actual site of Copenhagen’s North Harbor. In the past 10 years, the population … Read more

Genetic Optimization

Genetic Optimization – Aquasun Oasis AquaSun Oasis is a continuation proposal for the digital matters research studio project which focuses on rainwater purification through biodegradable materials. The design of the form is based on rainwater collection and renewable solar energy while providing shade to the surroundings. The is to create a sustainable solution to conserve … Read more

Wildlife Museum

life Through a morphological analysis, the site vividly portrayed its lines, structure and life giving me a clear direction of how i can delicately land on it with a sustainable life museum. The existing context made me aware that the structure should occupy a minimal area on ground level in order to preserve exisiting natural … Read more

ARCHIBUDDY – The World Is Your Friend

Introduction Archibuddy is a unique and innovative project that aims to create adaptive architectural elements to make environments emotion-responsive. Archibuddy will leverage the latest technologies to provide personalized experiences to users, optimizing their well-being and productivity using Emotion Detection Technology and the Algorithmic workflow that was developed over the course of the Master’s Research Thesis … Read more


“ARchSemble Welcomes you to the world of AR in Fabrication” ARchSemble is an Augmented Reality assisted application to help you build an architectural element or an entire structure.Assembly and reconfiguration of modules in the desired form,as per user requirement, with information and specifications of themodules can be achieved with the help of the application.All we … Read more

Wire Wonders

wire wonders

WELCOME TO THE WIRE WONDERS MANUAL! We are excited to have you onboard, we will help you to fabricate a lamp with the help of augmented reality. This technology will allow you to overlap digital information into physical spaces, making it easy to visualize and analyze the steps to follow the fabrication process. To get … Read more



AER – Artificial Empathic Response [DIGISCAPES ver 2.0]

AER – Artificial Empathic Response [DIGISCAPES ver 2.0] is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master in Advanced Architecture 02 – by the student: Preetam Prabhakar and Research Thesis Advisor: David Andres Leon during the course MAA02 22/23 Thesis under the Algorithmic Design research thesis cluster.

The Cultural Canvas

An art and community center designed to foster artistic and cultural activities in a community, through a geometrically evolved design that integrates with the surrounding environment. It serves as a hub for creative expression, social and cultural exchange, providing space for exhibitions, performances, workshops, and community events. The center’s architecture combines functionality with artistic expression, creating a space … Read more


Design a temporary school for emergencies with few clicks! RE:EDU for Re – Education. The idea of this project is to create a web platform for non-profit associations and municipalities to design an easy to assembly and low cost school structure. Several events, especially in this past year, have left children without a school’s infrastructure, … Read more


cHair is an app that utilizes an optimized Grasshopper file, defines the HTML structure of the page, while utilizing Vue.js directives to bind data and methods to the page. The JavaScript code in the script section provides the logic for the page and defines the data and methods used in the template section, and the … Read more

Martian Playground // Studio

Design Brief and Scope The purpose of this project is to design a colony on Mars to sustain life for 50 people with the possibility to expand to 300 people over time.  This specific projects revolves around the specific function of recreation. Site Detection and Analysis ChatGPT 3 is used to create a relative grading … Read more

Mars Colony: Food and Energy Production

01 / SITE ANALYSIS OUR GUIDING PRINCIPLES As a part of a team working on a project to establish a colony on Mars, and we’re focusing on developing a sustainable food system for our future home. In order to do this, we first analyzed the conditions on Mars, such as the maximum solar radiation, average … Read more

BIOMIMICRY in ARCHITECTURE by Michael Pawlyn | Ecological Thinking II

This blog is a review of Michael Pawlyn’s book, Biomimicry in Architecture. “Biomimicry is a powerful innovation tool that allows architects to go beyond conventional approaches to sustainable design and deliver transformative solutions we need.”-Michael Pawlyn The book “Biomimicry in Architecture” by Michael Pawlyn introduces the term biomimicry and how it can impact architecture. The … Read more

Forces of Nature

HYPERBOLIC PARABOLOID ROOF This research project in the field of architecture aims to investigate the application of physics simulations in the form-finding process of designing live-interactive installations using Kangaroo, located in IAAC’s rooftop. The design strategy is creating a simple geometry based on forces in compression and tension on different points. The pavilion’s sail-like plane … Read more