Brief “This investigative research project in the field of architecture aims to investigate theapplication of physics simulations in the form-finding process of designing live-interactiveinstallations.”The research objective is to build a user-friendly interface that enables real-time manipulation of forces as design parameters, the goal of replicating real-life behaviors by using kangaroo as a main engine. With … Read more

Forces of Nature

Force of Nature – Circle of Force Circle of Force emerged as a research project for studying the form-finding process by applying physics simulations interactively with grasshopper plugin Kangaroo. Our objective is to create a user-friendly design where they can spend time on IAAC Pujades Campus rooftop. Design drives: Parameters for Base Geometry The Base … Read more

The Bóveda: 3d Printed Earthen Housing

As the world progresses towards sustainable development, the use of 3D printing technology in construction is gaining momentum. One such application is the use of 3D printing to construct earthen buildings, which has several advantages over traditional construction methods. Earthen buildings have been used for thousands of years and are known for their durability, low … Read more

Milà Earth

Multiple-story 3d printed earth housing in Barcelona Introduction Milà Earth envisions an earth high-rise building located in Milà i Fontanals street on Vila de Gracia, a high-density neighborhood in Barcelona. An architectural proposal for student housing that aims for vertical densification of the central city. Focusing on using local materials and innovative cutting-edge building technologies, … Read more

Trinitat Mosalas

The proposed student housing is a result of a system, designed with bottom to top approach, where a module design is considered with variable parameters to proliferate into a building proposal which establishes the relationship between structural and spatial organizations. The site falls within the close proximity of some institutions and more importantly close to … Read more

PATI de la VILA: 3d Printed Earthen Housing

Nader Akoum IAAC 3d Printing Earthen Architecture Housing

At a time when additive manufacturing using earth becomes commercial and available for large scale services, earthen housing becomes more possible without the heavy maintenance required for challenges like spanning, drying, heightening, printing, and durability. A student earthen housing project in Barcelona could vary in many capacities depending on its context of deployment, and in … Read more

Agua Mobility

Employing a passive design strategy for construction can be a viable way to address this issue since buildings use the majority of the energy consumed in a city for heating and cooling space. The goal of the study is to create a passive heating and cooling system in a controlled environment by experimenting with the … Read more

Beyond Corals

The recent climate changes are affecting key elements of our ecosystem such as tropical forest, deserts, and coral reefs. Corals are living organisms, closely related to jellyfish that live in colonies. The size of those colonies can vary, the largest coral reef to date, the great barrier is estimated to stretch over 2300 kilometers. There … Read more


The aim of this project is to create a workflow which would help in in the preliminary analysis of physical and materialistic damage using computer vision to enhance sight and successfully pinpoint the defects that can be seen by the camera. The Construction industry follows a very linear approach in terms of usage of materials … Read more

Internet of ME

The data we engage with everyday is growing rapidly, and our digital footprint is increasing! With the cyber-physical convergence and the fast expansion of the Internet, Volume of information created, copied, captured, and consumed worldwide went form 33 zettabytes in 2018 to an expected 175 zettabytes in 2051! That’s close 500% increase in 5 years. … Read more

Digital Deconstruct

Algorithmic Design II – Term 1 Standardizing a kit of parts within a local neighborhood has potential to encourage a circular system of material exchange and allow for deconstruction of buildings rather than demolition. This research aims to design a discrete modelling framework focused on generating spaces that can be assembled and disassembled into various … Read more


DIGISCAPES ver 1.0 is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master in Advanced Architecture 02 – by the student: Preetam Prabhakar and Research Thesis Advisor: David Andres Leon during the course MAA02 22/23 Thesis under the Algorithmic Design research thesis cluster.

From Roots to Branches and Leaves

The name of the project is “from root to leaves and breanch”. The main concept is based on the idea to create a higth walkaway museum that have an internal space and an external part  where you can observe the nature from an higher point of view compared to the normal view. To give at … Read more

RE:EDU: architecture for emergency

As a target country for  our project we selected Ukraine, the biggest European country that is located in the eastern part. Ukraine has 1000 years of history, during which it has been fighting for freedom and identity. In 2013 in Kyiv students started the protest, which evolved into the revolution of dignity, after the president … Read more

Nested Flocks

What if our design follows the trails of flocks? The #flockingbehaviour guides the circulation paths nested inside the environmentally responsive shell. An investigation of #optimization with #grasshopper#houdini#culebragh#biomorpher and render with #unrealengine.

Peaceful parasites

Historical data Peaceful parasites is based in Belfast, Northern Ireland and addresses the urban scars created by the recent troubles. Deep rooted segregation has generated detrimental urban divides and this project aims to solve this problem. Historically, the troubles started in 1969 and subsides to some degree in 1998 with the ¨good friday agreement¨. 2023 … Read more