Territorios Fractales

Estudios del agua como definidor en un modelo de ciudad simbiótico. El Lago de Tacarigua, un cuerpo de agua de carácter endorreico ubicado en la región de la Cordillera de la Costa en Venezuela. Alrededor del lago se han asentado varias ciudades que forman una conurbación sistemática con una de las mayores influencias socio-económicas del … Read more


This research project aims to investigate the lifecycle of commonly used construction materials in Barcelona, analyse the materials being demolished in the city, and explore the waste management practices employed by Barcelona for construction and demolition waste. The primary objective is to provide valuable insights into the environmental impact and sustainability of construction materials, identify … Read more

Wildlife Museum

life Through a morphological analysis, the site vividly portrayed its lines, structure and life giving me a clear direction of how i can delicately land on it with a sustainable life museum. The existing context made me aware that the structure should occupy a minimal area on ground level in order to preserve exisiting natural … Read more

Dif-Used House

Discrete Assemblies with Gilles Retsin Introduction How can primordial components be aggregated to form complex structures, that are at once easy to assemble and comfortable to live in? This was the question that defined our workshop with instructor Gilles Retsin. During the workshop, Gilles introduced us to his system of assembling buildings from discrete components. … Read more

Tension networks using natural fibers as support for 3D printing with earth

Table of Contents — ABSTRACT To deal with the fifth façade, vernacular earth construction introduces different materials to cover horizontal spans. This switch of materials allows the earth to work primarily under compression, avoiding altogether the need to work against gravity and the intrinsic tension that horizontal elements require to be supported.  This research follows … Read more

Demolition Treasure Hunt

Sorting for Salvageable Materials This course was mainly to understand automated collaborative multiagent systems in different environments. Term’s 3 topic (Human-Machine-Collaboration) is recognized through this course by exploring the possibilities of the processes and us being capable of mapping in different diagrams how we imagine a scenario with an automated procedure. For this task, we … Read more

Foot.print (finder)

Foot.print(finder) is an accessible webtool for life cycle assessment of facades materials. . . Five different materials to test: . . . . Calculations behind the tool: The data used in the analysis comes from Bombyx, an experimental tool designed by the ETH and based on the Switzerland database. Link: Bombyx-ETH/Bombyx2: Parametric tool for calculating … Read more


Design a temporary school for emergencies with few clicks! RE:EDU for Re – Education. The idea of this project is to create a web platform for non-profit associations and municipalities to design an easy to assembly and low cost school structure. Several events, especially in this past year, have left children without a school’s infrastructure, … Read more

Design with Nature – Ian McHarg

Design with Nature by Ian McHarg is a seminal book published in 1969 that revolutionized the field of landscape architecture and urban planning. The book argues that the natural environment should be the primary consideration in any design process, and that the best designs are those that work with, rather than against, nature. McHarg begins … Read more

Architecture Without Architects

The book, ‘Architecture without architects’, illustrates the vernacular architecture from different parts of the world and strives to acknowledge the ‘not so primitive’ techniques from various areas. Architecture history is not given as much acknowledgement as art history and the book is an attempt in the 1960s America to show the potential and the scope … Read more

AL HABIBITAT | Urban intervention

Aswan, Egypt being a desert city shows diurnal aspects of climate on a daily basis. The same also affects the day to day activity pattern of the community that adapts to the climate at any given time. This analysis indicates at a close relation between climate, people & their clothing & eventually it traces ahead … Read more

MEDITERRANEAN | Urban Intervention

This project was designed embarking on a vision to create a city that embodies sustainability, organic density, decentralization, multipolarity, complexity, transversality, liveliness, resilience, inclusivity, diversity, mixed-use, beauty, biodiversity, cohesion, safety, health, accessibility, and support for an active life and a city of care – all with people at the centre rather than technology or economics. … Read more

THE NEST | Urban Intervention

The design began with the process of understanding the culture, the climate and the people of Accra, Ghana. The design is based in a tropical climate where the temperatures and the humidity are high. This design was then set in a Metaversal city that was a culmination of 6 sites from different regions of the … Read more

Tabrizian Tapestry_Thermodynamic Fabrications

Our case study is located in Tabriz, the coldest region in Iran, with an average temperature between 1.1 C and 6.6 C during winter, and an average between 30.4 C and 17.9 C during summer. The climate widely corresponds to Central European weather conditions. With the following study, we have designed a our building Tabrizian … Read more