Fabrication for Open Nature | Mil Ramas

INTRODUCTION The Design and Fabrication course’s main objective is to orient us towards learning and gaining experience in the use of tools and machines in relation to fabrication. Through designing, manufacturing and prototyping the models we were able to gain hands-on experience on how to fabricate and construct our projects. Valldaura Green FabLab provided us … Read more


Vista del área de estudio.

Los impactos del cambio climático cada vez muestran panoramas más críticos, principalmente con las ciudades costeras por el incremento del nivel medio del mar (sin descartar las otras afectaciones en otros territorios por las sequías). Este panorama hará que muchas zonas costeras requieran de una mayor (o real) sensibilización, estrategias e intervenciones para mitigar y … Read more

Ciudad Vieja Comestible

Laboratorio urbano para un futuro más sostenible en lo que se refiere a los sistemas alimentarios y la ciudad que lo construye.  “La comida da forma a las ciudades y moldea el campo que la abastece. Podría decirse que alimentar ciudades tiene un impacto sobre nosotros y nuestro planeta mucho mayor que cualquier actividad humana. … Read more

Slow the Flow

Vallcarca Cane Park Manifesto The Vallcarca Cane Park is an urban farm aimed towards reconnecting the diverse set of communities that make up its surrounding neighborhood. Located in an urban void north of the Ronda de Dalt, our structure is built using cane, a vernacular material, and traditional fabrication methods such as active bending. The … Read more

A Parallel City for Pollinators

Introduction to Pollination The project attempts to study and research the possibilities of creating a green, three-dimensional corridor for pollinators in a specific area, the historical city center of Madrid, connecting Madrid’s most prominent green park “el Retiro” in the east to the “Casa de Campo” natural reserve in the west. In particular the proposal … Read more

Hidrología Inteligente

¿Como afectará el Cambio Climático al ciclo del agua? El mundo evoluciona a pasos acelerados, tanto en progreso tecnológico, como en presión por parte de la naturaleza. La agenda del cambio climático corre de manera inversa al avance de las ciudades, y se hace una necesidad prever los escenarios que estos traerán a los lugares … Read more

Open Nature | Font del Gos

Public spaces in the city of Barcelona play a vital role in the daily lives of its citizens. But often there is a clear boundary seen between the urban and the peri-urban forests of the city. The project approaches the site of Font Del Gos as a transitory space between the city of Barcelona and … Read more


Tejiendo desde el inconsciente El Barrio Los Erasos se funda en 1958. Es un barrio intersticial y mientras contiene embaulada la Quebrada ”Anauco”, posee espacios deportivos diferenciados a pequeña escala. Su crecimiento es únicamente en vertical por la condición geográfica en la que se encuentra, mientras el espacio a cielo abierto es la única pista … Read more


THE FUTURE OF HEURA’S WORKSPACE THE GOAL of this project is to envision the future of HEURA FOODS workspace, considering existing technologies and climate change scenarios and using Barcelona’s historical building as a site for intervention. HEURA FOODS was founded in 2017 by Marc and Bernan in a co-working office in the center of Barcelona. … Read more

Furnish KIDS 2.0

SCOPE / OBJECTIVES Many European cities are looking to redesign their public spaces. FURNISH (Fast Urban Responses for New Inclusive Spaces and Habitat) aims to merge the challenge of having more public spaces through ‘tactical urbanism’, which can reconfigure and co-create a street expanding the space for pedestrians and leisure, with local manufacturing, through the … Read more