Better safe than sorry!

CONCEPT Better safe than sorry! This is the key sentence behind this project. The intention was to create a fire alarm system to protect spaces. That space can be somewhere in your house, like your bedroom or living room, but can also be used in closed/dark spaces, like the basement or installation room. But why … Read more

Alcohol Detector

Introduction to Programming and Physical Computing Concept The concept described in this project report is aimed to detect the alcohol Level. When this system is installed in the dashboard and detects alcohol through the alcohol sensor, the simulated actuators presented here with a LED, which will be bright up  while a LCD and  will show … Read more


Adaptive facade

CONCEPT The system consists in creating a facade that moves according to the sunlight. The components of the facade turn with the effect of a motor that is activated according to the environment. An example of an application would be a building in the shape of a bar, having wider sides with east and west … Read more