A city inside a building; The project articulates an extra-extra large architectural typology that extends beyond the conventional scale of a singular building and aims at becoming a self-enclosed urban form. Mobilizing Buckminster Fuller’s ‘tensegrity’ structural logic, this megastructure accommodates a complexassemblage of typologies, functions, and forms within its differentiated envelope-a geometrically and materially optimized … Read more


‘Corkoon’ is a design proposal by a group of six students from MAEBB 2022-23 for the final thesis design of a Mobile home. The project aims to cater to the materiality aspects of a mobile home which we try to achieve by bio-mimicking the principles of a caterpillar in its chrysalis where it goes on … Read more


Ciudades urbana y humanamente digeribles Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. C.A El enfoque anteriormente abordado se centraba en la ecología y el cambio climático, exponiendo la situación actual de la ciudad de Quetzaltenango. Se identificaban los procesos alimentarios a través de la industria y cómo estas dinámicas contribuyen a la creación de ciudades y ciudadanos enfermos. Además, se … Read more

Building Instincts

In this workshop, we collaborated all together to investigate the neuro-evolution (artificial evolution defining neural networks) as a strategy to develop autonomous behaviours of mobile robots (in this workshop we used Turtlebots) to perform given tasks. We used N.E.A.T. (NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies) as a method framework for artificial evolution of these robot controllers and increased … Read more


Design a temporary school for emergencies with few clicks! RE:EDU for Re – Education. The idea of this project is to create a web platform for non-profit associations and municipalities to design an easy to assembly and low cost school structure. Several events, especially in this past year, have left children without a school’s infrastructure, … Read more

NYC Taxi Time Traveler

The New York City Taxi Trip Duration competition is a challenge to develop a model that predicts the total ride time of taxi trips in New York City. Yellow medallion taxicabs, which number 12,779 in New York City, generate a substantial revenue of $1.8 billion per year by providing transportation services to around 240 million … Read more


THE FUTURE OF PARKING In this one-term seminar of Decarbonise built environment the main goal was to develop carbon-capturing strategies and study how can we shift to renewable energies. In this particular project, Barcelona city was taken as a built environment, and based on that we developed urban planning strategies and parking design strategies. COSMOGRAM … Read more

THE NEST | Urban Intervention

The design began with the process of understanding the culture, the climate and the people of Accra, Ghana. The design is based in a tropical climate where the temperatures and the humidity are high. This design was then set in a Metaversal city that was a culmination of 6 sites from different regions of the … Read more

DELIRIOUS NEW YORK: A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan by Rem Koolhaas | Ecological Thinking II

This blog is a review of the book “Delirious New York” written by Rem Koolhaas. “The future is no longer about power, but about bandwidth.” Rem Koolhas Rem Koolhaas wrote a novel titled “Delirious New York” that outlines the evolution and background of Manhattan’s design and urbanism. Koolhaas wrote this book because he desired to … Read more


Ciudades urbana y humanamente digeribles Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. C.A Anteriormente el tema se aborda desde la perspectiva de ecología y cambio climático, donde se expone la situación actual de la ciudad de Quetzaltenango y donde se identifican los procesos alimentarios a traves de la industria y como estas dinámicas crean ciudades enfermas y obviamente ciudadanos enfermos, … Read more


Climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of extreme weather events, and cities like Mumbai with a population of over 12 million people, is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. In fact, studies have shown that Mumbai is one of the cities most at risk from rising sea levels more intense floods, … Read more

Big Data Analytics in the Airline Industry

The case of Greece The air connections constitute critical components of the entire transportation industry in Greece. The geopolitical position of the country as well as its geographical features (mountainous landscape, islands and sea) make the air transport industry essential not only to the regional development and the growth of tourist activity, that comprises a … Read more