The chosen site is the intersection of the Besòs River in Barcelona with the Mediterranean Sea. This location serves as a convergence point for different natural ecologies, as well as being impacted by human activities, such as the electrical industry with outlets into the river. Therefore, the site provides a perfect theater to visualize, not only on a molecular scale but also to reflect on its relevance on a planetary scale.

The power plant exhibits high levels of minerals that merge with the Besòs River. Through this research, the path where the natural converges with the artificial will be explored. A continuous comparison is made between terrestrial and aquatic elements at a microscopic, geometric, and material level, leading to the conceptualization of diffuse transitions that begin to converge in a diffuse state.

When approaching more natural elements, both microscopic and geometric appearances begin to be similar, resulting in continuous interaction in their microscopic forms, reaching the concept of joint symbiosis. However, the greatest differences between the samples are noted when comparing the more aquatic and terrestrial sectors, as they do not present similar morphology or microscopic images, leading to the concept of linear convergence.

This research will focus on visualizing and analyzing these interactions and differences, using the site as a microcosm to understand the dynamics between the natural and the artificial. At a molecular level, the chemical and biological interactions occurring at this intersection can be observed, while on a planetary level, the impact of these interactions on the global ecosystem can be reflected upon.

In conclusion, the site at the intersection of the Besòs River with the Mediterranean Sea offers a unique opportunity to study the convergences and divergences between natural and artificial elements, providing a deeper understanding of how these elements interact and affect each other at different scales.

The power plant exhibits high levels of minerals, which merge with the Besòs River. Through the research, the path where the natural converges with the artificial will be explored.

Samples of various geometries, shapes, and objects were taken to compare the aquatic and terrestrial states, determining their natural state at geometric and microscopic levels. Additionally, these samples were analyzed to understand the chemical interactions between the minerals from the power plant and the natural elements. This comprehensive approach aims to provide deeper insights into the ecological impact of industrial activities on natural environments.


A continuous comparison is made between terrestrial and aquatic elements at a microscopic, geometric, and material level, leading to the conceptualization of diffuse transitions, which begin to CONVERGE in a diffuse state.

PROMT_“A detailed, surreal landscape featuring an intricate combination of natural elements, such as moss, fungi, and rock formations. The scene showcases a microscopic appearance with spherical and geometric shapes blending into the organic surroundings. The atmosphere is ethereal, with light and shadows creating a dreamlike quality. When we start to approach more natural elements, both microscopic and geometric appearances begin to be similar, thus having a continuous interaction in their microscopic forms, reaching the concept of joint symbiosis. However, when we move to the more aquatic sector and on the other hand to the more terrestrial side, it is when we notice the greatest difference between the samples, as they do not present similar morphology or microscopic image, thus leading to the concept of linear convergence.”


When we move to the more aquatic sector, and on the other hand to the more terrestrial side, it is when we notice the greatest difference between the samples, as they do not present similar morphology or microscopic image, thus leading to the concept of linear convergence.

PROMT_“A detailed, surreal cave-like environment filled with various natural elements, including moss, fungi, and intricate rock formations. The scene has a microscopic appearance, with spherical and geometric shapes blending seamlessly into the organic surroundings. The interplay of light and shadows creates an ethereal atmosphere, highlighting the complex textures and colors. When we start to approach more natural elements, both microscopic and geometric appearances begin to be similar, thus having a continuous interaction in their microscopic forms, reaching the concept of joint symbiosis.”


When we start to approach more natural elements, both microscopic and geometric appearances begin to be similar, thus having a continuous interaction in their microscopic forms, reaching the concept of joint symbiosis.

PROMT_“A surreal landscape depicting a convergence of nature and urban elements. In the foreground, massive, arching rock formations covered in moss and vegetation rise from the water. The water is calm and reflective, blending seamlessly into the scene. In the background, a futuristic city skyline emerges, bathed in soft, ethereal light. The sky is filled with dramatic clouds, creating a contrast between the natural and artificial elements. The overall atmosphere is otherworldly and serene, highlighting the interplay between nature and human influence.”


When we move to the more aquatic sector, and on the other hand to the more terrestrial side, it is when we notice the greatest difference between the samples, as they do not present similar morphology or microscopic image, thus leading to the concept of linear convergence.

Promt_”A surreal landscape featuring a fantastical forest with enormous, otherworldly trees covered in bulbous red and orange growths. The trees have thick, twisted roots and branches, creating an intricate network. The ground is covered with moss, smaller plants, and spherical fungi. The atmosphere is misty and ethereal, with soft, diffused light illuminating the scene. The sky is filled with hazy clouds and floating elements, enhancing the dreamlike quality of the environment. The overall feeling is one of mystery and wonder, blending natural and fantastical elements seamlessly.”