The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.



Manifesto “Verdenlace” is an urban park situated in Les Corts, designed to reconnect individuals with biodiversity while encouraging community participation through architectural interventions. The park’s functions aim to foster esteem and self-actualization among users. The structural form is derived from multiple aggregations and iterations of a simple module, adapting the space based on various parameters … Read more


“First Life, then Spaces, then Buildings, the other way around never works” – Jan Gehl The proposal is an intervention at the site situated in Diagonal Mar, neighborhood, inspired from the fundamental idea of Placemaking. The intervention goes beyond development, aiming to activate the site and create a vibrant community. Grounded in functionality, the approach … Read more


Marine Oasis Creation Through Plastic Decomposition Implementing a Symbiotic Relationship with Aspergillus Fungi To Restore Ocean Deserts Keywords: Plastic decomposition | Aspergillus fungi | Lichen | Cyanobacteria | Marine ecosystem | Garbage Patch | Degrowth | Coral reefs | Ocean deserts | Habitat restoration The DecompAsper stands out as an innovative device that, through the synergistic … Read more


Future of Tarragona Refinery The contemporary power station plays a substantial role within the cityscape, serving not only as a primary energy generator but also as a cornerstone in the intricate tapestry of urban planning. What implications might this massive infrastructure have on the future trajectory of the city’s urban development? About the Site The … Read more


The symbiotic coexistence of humans, flora and fauna within our cities is the cornerstone of a sustainable and harmonious future.    Through a meticulous analysis of data extracted from the site and a comprehensive understanding of Barcelona’s climatic conditions, our visionary project sets its sights on the future, envisioning Barcelona in the year 2050 as a … Read more

AQUAPONIA I 2050 Hydroscape

STATEMENT Proposing an eco-conscious water management system through metabolic water treatment for co-living communities, this innovation project aims to repurpose water usages, effectively saving energy and optimizing resource allocation for wastewater management. ABSTRACT Our vision is to redefine the future of urban living by fostering sustainable activities that align together with the smart use of … Read more


The project addresses socio-economic and environmental challenges that are faced in Marina del Pratt’s fast developing industrial area. It is a multifunctional facility, combining a climate shelter and community center, which aims to enhance local life.Recycled materials from the nearby Ecopark de Barcelona promote sustainability and will raise awareness through workshops to the enviromental challenges … Read more


“Framed by the environmental crisis and taking into account the thermal and structural inefficiency of the existing building stock, this thesis will be an exploration on architecturally and structurally meaningful elements, as plugin systems to address the need for retrofitting. The main objective is to provide alternatives of structural retrofitting methods by utilizing robotic fabrication … Read more

Biochar Composites

BIOCHAR COMPOSITES: The use of biochar composites in architectural applications can significantly improve building performance. Additionally, the incorporation of biochar composites can expand the possibility of carbon sequestration in the architecture and construction sector, contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly built environment. Our current Built Environment is responsible for carbon emissions, accounting for … Read more


DESIGN BEHAVIOUR Radiation is a threat in many industries, from space exploration to medical imaging. Effective design must take into account the unique challenges presented by radiation. MASTER IN ADVANCED COMPUTATION FOR ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN  2023/2024 Faculty: ARETI MARKOPOULOU & NIKOL KIROVA STUDENT : Darkhan Kadirov

R-ERA [ Realtime – Emotion Responsive Architecture ]

R-ERA [ Realtime – Emotion Responsive Architecture ] is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master in Advanced Architecture 02 – by the student: Preetam Prabhakar and Research Thesis Advisor: David Andres Leon during the course MAA02 22/23 Thesis under the Algorithmic Design research thesis cluster.

AER – Artificial Empathic Response [DIGISCAPES ver 2.0]

AER – Artificial Empathic Response [DIGISCAPES ver 2.0] is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master in Advanced Architecture 02 – by the student: Preetam Prabhakar and Research Thesis Advisor: David Andres Leon during the course MAA02 22/23 Thesis under the Algorithmic Design research thesis cluster.

Agua Mobility

Employing a passive design strategy for construction can be a viable way to address this issue since buildings use the majority of the energy consumed in a city for heating and cooling space. The goal of the study is to create a passive heating and cooling system in a controlled environment by experimenting with the … Read more


Data_dwelling is a project with a primary focus on data collection and management systems with the aim of creating a design aided workflow focused on the housing crisis in the UK. The design aid should help to create a faster, well designed, energy efficient, by identifying a methodological residential typology. The project will help in … Read more

Fibra Terra

Posidonia Oceanica In the Mediterranean, most plant debris is made up of the species Posidonia Oceanica (L.) Delile, asuperior plant that is endemic to this sea. It forms extensive meadows from the shallowest areas of the coast to variable depths, depending on how deep light can penetrate the water to enable photosynthesis to take place. … Read more

Internet of ME

The data we engage with everyday is growing rapidly, and our digital footprint is increasing! With the cyber-physical convergence and the fast expansion of the Internet, Volume of information created, copied, captured, and consumed worldwide went form 33 zettabytes in 2018 to an expected 175 zettabytes in 2051! That’s close 500% increase in 5 years. … Read more


AIR COMFORT The air comfort depends on the gases and particulate matters in the air. The gases consist of nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide and ozone. As well as the gases there are particulate matters in air which are categorised depending on their diameter. The main categories are the PM2.5 and PM10. In 2021 WHO … Read more


DIGISCAPES ver 1.0 is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master in Advanced Architecture 02 – by the student: Preetam Prabhakar and Research Thesis Advisor: David Andres Leon during the course MAA02 22/23 Thesis under the Algorithmic Design research thesis cluster.


Framework The CoP-CITIES is put forward to foster the engagement of a wide range of stakeholders, from ‘traditional’ ones to urban communities. In combination with top-down approach to urban policy, co-creation gives citizens, local officials, researchers and the private sector an equal say in the decision-making process. Fundamentally, the CoP-CITIES aims to be instrumental for … Read more

Slow the Flow

Vallcarca Cane Park Manifesto The Vallcarca Cane Park is an urban farm aimed towards reconnecting the diverse set of communities that make up its surrounding neighborhood. Located in an urban void north of the Ronda de Dalt, our structure is built using cane, a vernacular material, and traditional fabrication methods such as active bending. The … Read more