Within the current global context of rapid change, integrated with the potentials of digital technologies, IAAC’s Master in Advanced Architecture (MAA) is committed to the generation of new ideas and applications for Urban Design, Self Sufficiency, Digital Manufacturing Techniques and Advanced Interaction.

In this context IAAC works with a multidisciplinary approach, facing the challenges posed by our environment and the future development of cities, architecture and buildings, through a virtuous combination of technology, biology, computational design, digital and robotic fabrication, pushing innovation beyond the boundaries of a more traditional architectural approach.



This project was developed in the Computational Design Seminar with the goal of proposing a new installation for the roof of IAAC’s main building using parametric design through Grasshopper and Kangaroo components. The resulting structure aims to improve the quality of the open area, adding shade, light, and shadow effects and creating a base for … Read more

Digital woodcraft

Exploring the unique properties of timber and the fabrication methods associated with it, enabling us to work with complex geometries and find appropriate strategies to realize them. We started out looking at different situations to apply our geometry and potentially make a gapahuk (a building made of wooden materials, originally intended for emergency accommodation), forest … Read more


The aim of the design was to create a space that evokes a sense of enclosure but is still open and lightweight. This led us to the concept of designing our pavilion from minimal surfaces inspired from geometries exhibited in nature such as plants, mushrooms and corals. The intention was to fabricate it using strip … Read more

Timber Zipper

The goal of this project is to comprehend the pick-and-place robotic fabrication process using timber members and how to optimize the process using design choices. By experimenting with various twist, rotate, shift, mirror, and scale actions, column typologies that eventually took the form of a zipper-like column were created. The exercise helps us to understand … Read more


Concept Catalogue Main Catalogue Weekly Catalogue Catalogue of the digital exploration Parameters Digital input and ABB Fabrication Physical Limitation of fabrication Design Analysis Rules of the Proposed Geometry Layers: 30N. of Sticks: 120Pivot angle Increment: y = sin (x)Total Rotation: 160* Rotation’s Logic Column Making: The 3 modules Comparison Physics Simulation | Robot Simulation | … Read more


Abstract This project will focus on using the pick & place operations to develop column geometries stacked out of timber elements. Below we present the development of a parametric system capable of integrating fabrication constraints and architectural goals. The aim was to create a natural geometry with a simple linear element, a catalog of multiple … Read more


DESIgn for REassembly “Design for Dis- and Re-assembly; From a column at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona to inhabitable space Valldaura, to…?” Our aim for the course is to design 4 columns for the World Mobile Congress, which then will be reassembled and transformed into roofs, walls, and foundations for a small construction in … Read more

Zero | Edge

Urban void as a potential: Redefinition of a marginalized-industrial area by an auto-sufficient and tailorized production system relying on km0 recycled waste materials Manifest The intention is to design a hub between an industrial landscape and a small residential zone that will revitalize the surrounding area. This process will lead to the redefinition of a … Read more

Revolving Bricks

Abstract The concept of the project analyzed lays in its two main facades: made out of bricks, these show two variations of rotation. The first one takes into account some external curves that act as attractors, the other by rotating the bricks alternately by 45°. Building Overview This office building is placed in a residential … Read more

Recreating the Sarpentine Pavilion.

Darkhan Kadirov Introduction Computational design is not just a tool, but a different approach to the idea of design itself. in past times, it was available only to a few people, but in our time, there is an opportunity for everyone to use it to materialize their thoughts. During this recreate, I took the idea … Read more