The MaCAD is a unique online programme training a new generation of architects, engineers and designers ready to develop skills into the latest softwares, computational tools, BIM technologies and AI towards innovation for the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry.

ESTIMATE ESTATE – Discovering the Perfect Locale

With the recent upsurge in tourism worldwide, the Airbnb accommodation sector has become a thriving industry. As a result, the demand for Airbnb accommodations is poised for further growth, attracting an increasing number of individuals interested in entering this lucrative market. ?How can a new entrepreneur make a decision on the ideal location to open … Read more


ABSTRACT Mashraraya is an essential element of Islamic architecture, and its significance surpasses the aesthetics and symbolism. It serves as more than just a decorative feature, protecting the interior spaces from harsh weather by providing shading and encouraging natural ventilation. It also offers privacy and can be used as a structural element. The project’s objective … Read more

Perfect Seat

Find the perfect seat in a stadium! Problem Statement How many times have you been to a stadium, sports complex, concert or related events where your seat look much less appealing  than in the sales chart? This raises a very important question, what are the metrics used to define the quality of a seat in … Read more


Challenge to solve The potential for a building to adapt to various uses is primarily determined during the initial stages of the design process. This feature is rarely considered by architects yet has a significant impact of a building’s sustainability. The intention is to provide an early-stage tool that architects can use to test adaptability … Read more