The MaCAD is a unique online programme training a new generation of architects, engineers and designers ready to develop skills into the latest softwares, computational tools, BIM technologies and AI towards innovation for the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry.

MarSensate: Integrative Modelling

Marsensate is a project based on our Studio course where we explore designing on Mars in order to habit a Marsian colony. The primary goal of our colony was based around Sprituality, to provide a more human environment that appeal to everyone, regardless of their beliefs, genders, preferences, and we focused on the aspect that … Read more


slice it , Make it ! Slizzer app user interface : the metadata based on below information : price : calculated based on cutting time & cubic meter wood & slice numbers . price= 1$ per 1 minute cnc cutting + 1000$ per 1 m3 wood + 10$ per slice . CNC cutting time : … Read more


FOR ON-SITE GUIDANCE AND PRECISION CONSTRUCTION ABSTRACT : Abstract Against the backdrop of declining productivity levels within the construction industry since the 1990s, as highlighted by McKinsey, the digital-physical convergence signifies a paradigm shift in construction practices. The discussion delves into the current state and recent advancements in BIM and AR technologies, noting the recent … Read more

From Data to the Physical: Prototyping Architecture in the Digital Age

PROBLEM STATEMENT The predominant usage of digital processes in the current practice of architecture. However, with the many positives there are known inherent and latent constraints (e.g., data encryption, cloud breaches, and copyright issues) and other possible complexities and challenges. THESIS STATEMENT To inquire the understanding of the adoption of digital processes in the practice … Read more

Timber Showroom in Trento, IT

Timber Showroom in Trento The Project investigates generative design approaches for optimizing timber construction Systems on both The Support’s level (Tree structure that distributes puncture forces and achieves wider spans) and the Slab’s level (generative Timber Slab reinforcement that follows the Principle Moment Lines generated from FE simulations on pre-given Supports). The objective of the … Read more


cHair is an app that utilizes an optimized Grasshopper file, defines the HTML structure of the page, while utilizing Vue.js directives to bind data and methods to the page. The JavaScript code in the script section provides the logic for the page and defines the data and methods used in the template section, and the … Read more

Mission Critical Materials

If all architects and engineers saw the development of our projects as the aerospace industry does, we would begin to see many projects incredibly optimized for their use in structural, environmental, etc. Terms. In recent years we have experienced an increase in space exploration. Because technology has become more democratized, more simulations and experiments can … Read more