The Master in City & Technology’s academic structure is based on IAAC’s innovative, learn-by-doing and design-through-research methodology which focuses on the development of interdisciplinary skills. During the Master in City & Technology students will have the opportunity to be part of a highly international group, including faculty members, researchers, and lecturers, in which they are encouraged to develop collective decision-making processes and materialize their project ideas.


Learning From Sants

When we locate Sants within Barcelona, it appears to be on the city’s edge. However, when considering the metropolitan area as a whole, Sants is actually closer to the center. Historically, Sants was one of the towns surrounding Barcelona until its annexation in 1897. Its agricultural and industrial roots contribute to a unique neighborhood identity—one … Read more

Layers of Besòs: Unfolding Barrio’s Identities

Introduction: Understanding Besòs Beyond the Surface The El Besòs i el Maresme area in Barcelona carries a complex history—one shaped by migration, exclusion, and resilience. Often perceived through the lenses of insecurity and economic struggle, the neighborhood is in fact a vibrant intersection of identities, cultures, and urban transformations. Layers of Besòs is a research-driven … Read more

Investigating [Soy Farming] – Deforestation, and Political Conflict in the Amazon

“The Amazon rainforest, often called the ‘lungs of the Earth,’ is rapidly disappearing. But this isn’t just an environmental crisis—it’s a geopolitical and economic issue. In the heart of this transformation lies [Mato Grosso], Brazil’s largest soy-producing state. Its key location fuels both economic growth and ecological destruction, leading to tensions over land use, trade … Read more

Informal Settlements in Chile

Informal settlements have become a pressing issue across Latin America, reflecting deep-rooted socioeconomic inequalities and rapid urbanization. In 2014, approximately one-quarter of the urban population in Latin American cities lived in informal housing. By 2017, this number had increased to nearly one-third, and the trend continues to rise. Each country’s informal settlements have unique names … Read more

The California Wildfires

January brought a challenging start for California, as a series of devastating wildfires swept through the state, endangering lives, destroying homes, and reshaping entire communities. These fires were not only among the most destructive in California’s history but also ranked among the costliest ever recorded in the United States. The scale of destruction was unprecedented, … Read more


Sentir l’Espai Urbà Cities communicate with us through different ways: sound, image, smells, textures, materials, weather, among others. But how do we perceive all these layers?  How do we feel about it? What role does urban design play in this exchange? How do we feel the city? Every day, we are immersed in urban surroundings … Read more

Agents from Outer Space

Introduction Simulations are a powerful tool for understanding the world around us as it exists, and also as it could be. The creation of models that reflect a given context by adhering to selected rules that are followed in said context, show how all the constitutive parts behave and evolve over time, and by doing … Read more

Empowering Vulnerable People with Adaptive Infrastructure

Every individual, regardless of age or economic status, can play a crucial role in shaping a sustainable future. In Viladecans, a gamified co-design process is recommended to turn this vision into reality. Challenges of an aging population, energy poor buildings, and coastal climate change vulnerability may be aligned with public program priorities to adapt Viladecans’ … Read more

Monotony or Variety in the 15 Minute City

1. Abstract While studying about phenomenology and livability, it’s expression and its governing aspects, it is essential to recognise the true meaning of it. Phenomenology is reffered to the lived experience of objects, space and other surroundings. It is also important to understand the how, when and where of the experiences and what experiences are … Read more

Sensemaking Through Humanitarian Data

THE GAZA STRIP CONFLICT Since October 7th, we have been witnesses to the atrocities of the humanitarian crisis and genocide in Gaza. Over 32,000 Palestinian people have been killed, and another 74,000 reportedly injured to date.  About 70 per cent of those killed are reported to be women and children. The population of Gaza consists of … Read more

Tracking Cross-Border Monetary Flows to measure Geopolitical Insecurity

Creating a streamlined pipeline to visualize and extrapolate financial data enabling a correlation with spatial geo-specific information. The World and all countries alike have been increasingly more susceptible to events and developments in the geo-political theatre. It is not surprising that the world’s top two economic and military superpowers play a pivotal role in this … Read more

Confronting Forms of Erasure

History is not always written in neat paragraphs and grand monuments. Sometimes, the most important stories are the ones left untold. The ones silenced, forgotten, or deliberately erased. In 1994, over a period of 100 days, the Rwandan genocide took place. Hutu extremists; fueled by ethnic hatred and political manipulation, sought to eradicate the Tutsi … Read more

Darien: Closing the data Gap

Imagine a massive highway stretching from Alaska all the way down to the tip of Argentina. That’s almost possible through the Pan-American Highway, except for one crucial interruption: the Darien Gap. The Darien Gap is a sprawling, dense jungle separating Panama and Colombia, an obstacle that breaks the otherwise continuous highway. But the Gap isn’t … Read more

Rethinking the Mekedatu Dam Project

The Cauvery basin is not just a river; it’s an intricate ecosystem that supports diverse flora and fauna and sustains the livelihoods of farmers in both Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Our hypothesis posits that the proposed Mekedatu dam, far from being a panacea, is an unnecessary venture that could further destabilize this delicate balance. The … Read more

Greece’s Wildfires: Nature’s Fury or Human Ignition?

Introduction Greece’s scorching summers and dry climate create a perfect storm for wildfires. These fires cause widespread devastation, burning homes and harming ecosystems, with tragic consequences like loss of life. While the climate undoubtedly sets the stage, many in Greece believe human activity is the real culprit. Accidental fires from carelessness or deliberate acts of … Read more