The Master in City & Technology’s academic structure is based on IAAC’s innovative, learn-by-doing and design-through-research methodology which focuses on the development of interdisciplinary skills. During the Master in City & Technology students will have the opportunity to be part of a highly international group, including faculty members, researchers, and lecturers, in which they are encouraged to develop collective decision-making processes and materialize their project ideas.


The City of Marvelous Disorder

The City of Marvelous Disorder is a study was conducted during the ‘CaaS studio (City as a Service): The future of cities’ services in the AI times’, that aims to built a methodology on mapping the creative sector and high education ecosystem of Barcelona, with a particular focus on social creative industry that works within … Read more

Active Ageing in Barcelona

The project focuses on promoting the physical, mental, and social well-being of older adults in the city of Barcelona through various initiatives, the goal is to empower older adults to remain active and engaged in their communities, and to promote healthy ageing and independence. Projected population aged 65+ What is Ageing? Health in the older … Read more

The Perks of Proximity

Clustering advanced industries to facilitate technology transfer in the Barcelona metropolitan region Spain has been at the forefront of pioneering research and innovation that have led to significant contributions to the world of technology. Technology Transfer Technology transfer from research to market seems like a straight-forward and linear process, but such is not the case. … Read more

NYC Taxi Trip Duration Predictive Modeling

The objective of this exercise is to build a machine learning model that will predict taxicab trip durations based on 2016 NYC Yellow Cab trip record data. Data Fields Based on this, this project will develop a machine learning regression algorithm capable of predicting the duration of a trip based on the variables provided by … Read more

The Geography of Substance Use.

A Visual Story by: According to World Health Organization, 1/5 adolescents engage in some form of substance use. The Question of 100 School Phycologists: How planning could contribute towards the understanding of geographic patterns of substance use in order to distribute human resources all around the country? This visual story, seeks to explore the geographical … Read more

Health of the over-aging population

Ageing population is increasing around the world, many of the European countries and Japan, . The above graph shows the number of the population 65 years old and over people in World. In 2019, the total aged population was  703 million people and the projected population suggests that in 2050, it will be over 1050 … Read more

Housing for All

India is one of the fastest developing countries with many metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, and Hyderabad. Migration from villages and small towns to metropolitan areas has increased tremendously in India and led to the degradation of urban environmental quality and sustainable development especially in the metropolitan cities. The problems faced by the people living … Read more

Metro impact on neighborhood vitality

Nowadays, almost every city has a metro network. But what does the presence of the metro or subway bring to the city’s fabric?What can be offered to calm the pace of the metro area or to maintain the dynamics of the city life functioning in non-metro area?   Project Key questions : ? What are the … Read more

Puerto Rico – population and landscape relation

The idea of combining population density and terrain relief allows to represent connectivity of most relevant settlement areas for future urban and rural building development. The choice of Puerto Rico land was made because of relatively compact territory for this software as well as its pronounced mountain ranges. Today’s migration sprawl challenge is well-known and … Read more

“Water Bodies towards crisis management”

Potential Conflicts related to flooding phenomena in highly urbanized and agricultural areas.

Almost every day, we are confronted with dramatic images of communities and environments incrisis . Flash floods have recently become one of Greece’s most common natural occurrencesafter wildfires. Flooding occurs due to rapid rainfall and heavy storms, from rising river levelsor melting snow.Deforestation, poor soil quality and rapid urbanization significantly contribute to the genesis of … Read more