The Master in Robotics and Advanced Construction (MRAC) seeks to train a new generation of interdisciplinary professionals who are capable of facing our growing need for a more sustainable and optimised construction ecosystem. The Master is focused on the emerging design and market opportunities arising from novel robotic and advanced manufacturing systems.

Through a mixture of seminars, workshops, and studio projects, the master programme challenges the traditional processes in the Construction Sector. It investigates how advances in robotics and digital fabrication tools change the way we build and develop processes and design tools for such new production methods.


Timber Narratives

Building on the principles of disassembly explored last semester, this phase of the Timber Narratives project delves deeper into advanced data-driven design strategies. We now capture and utilize timber colour values through enhanced scanning technologies, integrating this data into our designs. Additionally, we’ve implemented machine learning with logistic regression for precise categorization of timber for … Read more


INTRO This study investigates innovative joinery solutions for modular evaporative cooling systems using 3D printed clay. With the rising global temperatures and subsequent increased demand for energy-consuming air conditioning systems, there is a crucial need for sustainable cooling alternatives. The research focuses on addressing the challenges of material shrinkage and joinery reliability in 3D printed … Read more


#Feelit context Aim: Experiencing the news in a different way , To make you feel by making you experience the news with physical sensations and enhanced visual effects. it’s a comment on human desensitization.  POTENTIAL APPLICATION AND USERS OVERALL WORKFLOW Software UNREAL ENGINE Unreal was used to create the environment of the AR experience , … Read more

Timber Narratives

Leveraging Computer Vision for Sustainable Design with dimensional waste timber Building upon the established design principles of disassembly explored in the prior semester, Timber Narratives this semester investigated the potential of computer vision and image analytics to further optimize material conditioning and manufacturing processes for dimensional waste timber. This iterative approach aimed to integrate data-driven … Read more

ReWeave 2.0

The Context Aim State Of The Art The Workflow System Architecture Robotic Cell Scanning – Robotic cell Scanning Nesting – Initial Experiments Nesting Custom logic Iteration A Nesting Custom logic Iteration B Binder – Geopolymer with alkaline activators –  Sodium silicate Binder – Geopolymer with alkaline activators –  Sodium silicate and Sodium hydroxide Binder – … Read more

Manifesto for Robotics in Construction Tailored Policies and Protocols for Diverse Environments

Inspired by Jordi’s Masterclass at IAAC, where he shared his experiences in robotic business and scope exploration, we’ve crafted our manifesto. This document reflects the significant insights he shared, particularly concerning entrepreneurship and startup endeavors in the construction industry. Shaping our collaborative journey into the intersection of design, technology, and construction, this manifesto outlines tailored … Read more


Mechanical Inserts for 3D printed Clay Due to land scarcity, the construction industry pushes architecture to shift its focus towards the entire life cycle of the final construction, considering its various phases, from its sourced material and manufacture, to its utilization and eventual end of life. Minimizing material usage and construction time has provoked the … Read more

Voxel Assemblage

Abstract The main objective of the Software I seminar was to engage in computational logics and growth assemblages using voxels as its main geometrical component. The logic utilizes algorithms and visual programming in Grasshopper and Loops using Anemone Plugin. By definition, an assemblage is the process of combining individual components or parts to generate a … Read more

Dif-Used House

Discrete Assemblies with Gilles Retsin Introduction How can primordial components be aggregated to form complex structures, that are at once easy to assemble and comfortable to live in? This was the question that defined our workshop with instructor Gilles Retsin. During the workshop, Gilles introduced us to his system of assembling buildings from discrete components. … Read more

Discrete Assemblies

Parts that Precede Buildings This course helped us to gain a comprehensive understanding of discrete building systems with the use of prefabrication and automation. During this one week workshop, discussed topics such as timber prefabrication, robotics and discrete computation for later on participating with a hands-on approach to build several structures using timber boxes and … Read more

Demolition Treasure Hunt

Sorting for Salvageable Materials This course was mainly to understand automated collaborative multiagent systems in different environments. Term’s 3 topic (Human-Machine-Collaboration) is recognized through this course by exploring the possibilities of the processes and us being capable of mapping in different diagrams how we imagine a scenario with an automated procedure. For this task, we … Read more

Insightful Sensing

AIM \\ To create custom designed, 3D printed interior surface cladding, constructed of individual components with high quality surface finish and tolerance. CONTEXT \\ Last term we designed a dual end effector that would have an extruder and a wire cutter within the same tool, allowing us to post process the 3D printed pieces to … Read more


The efficient utilization of forestry products plays a vital role in sustaining industries such as construction and furniture manufacturing. To meet the demands of mass production, raw materials undergo a process of standardization, enabling streamlined operations and increased output. However, this standardization process results in the generation of valuable by-products such as planar offcuts. These … Read more