Simulating Personas

Introduction Human behavior has a significant impact on building energy performance and is often overlooked in favor of upgrading systems or technology. Building simulations often rely on deterministic models, but these models can be inaccurate due to the variability of human behavior. Stochastic models allow for more flexibility in assumptions and predict a range of … Read more

Correlation of real estate prices and income in USA

There are over 40,000 ZIP codes in the United States. Categorization by states and ZIP codes in order to compare data, find distinctive features and intercorrelations, and put data on map. VIsualization performed by Python, Plotly Express, Folium. In order to simplify tasks the dataset of 12 North East states is used.


Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. C.A. La palabra “digestible o digerible” viene del latín digestibilis y significa “que se puede transformar materia a sustancias necesarias para la vida”  el prefijo di- (divergencia, separación múltiple), gestus (hecho, llevado a cabo), más el sufijo -ible (que puede o hace). Contexto: Quetzaltenango es uno de los 22 municipios de Guatemala que … Read more

Potential of CO2 mitigation by hempcrete

Hemp industry is one fast-growing, environment-friendliest, and perspective branch of the World economy. The hemp market is driven by the growing demand for industrial hemp from application industries, such as the food & beverage, personal care, and animal care industries, across the globe. This infographics of hemp production is made in Grasshopper using imported geojson … Read more

Fun facts about Oscar and film industry

Every February, film lovers would be expecting where would the Oscar Awards go to. Academy Awards, known as Oscar has gone through 94 years, encouraging the workers as well as the industry developing. When we go back to the data about Oscar and the film production industry, we can find some interesting facts. I collected … Read more

Can forests still prevent floods?

Almost ten percent of Europe’s urban population is currently living in areas potentially at risk of flooding [EEA, 2022]. More than one third of the European population lives in coastal regions [EEA, 2022]. Forests play a vital role in controlling flooding by covering the soil surface from erosion due to rain, soaking up excess rainwater, … Read more


THE DESIGN AND FABRICATION OF CLIMATE ACTION INTERVENTIONS AND MODELS Our explorations surround the creation of climate action data models for the city of Mumbai. For a context that is only now becoming aware of the potential of data, The creation of interactive models can help educate citizens. The curation of multimedia models prototyped and … Read more


HANDS OVER BEIRUT Beirut Blast impact assessment visualization Neighborhood: Mar Mikhael (Beirut port)/ Gemmayze – Bashoura – Ashrafieh The Area chosen has received the most impact and visualization of the plot of land where buildings got damaged but on a different scale is relevant to understand the shock wave repartition. To physically be able to … Read more