A Route to Extinction

Broadening the perspective: An organism interacting with its environment. Sounds simple but life itself influences the atmosphere and nothing impacts life on earth today more than humanity does: explore that relationship between mankind and our environment.

Twisting into Shape

What do you get if you combine an umbrella with a funnel? A Fumbrella of course! Combining the idea of using an umbrella coupled with a water collecting funnel to create a Fumbrella. This new urban infrastructure is parametric in that it opens and closes according to both solar radiation and rainfall. It is well … Read more

Naturaleza Positiva

La planificación urbana que no tiene en cuenta los servicios ecosistémicos consolida la desigualdad espacial y económica, profundiza la pobreza, disminuye la calidad de vida de personas y otras especies y degrada el suelo, el agua y el aire. Los esquemas de protección, restauración y regeneración natural en las zonas urbanas son insuficientes. Costa Rica, … Read more

Open Nature | Mil Ramas

Brief The main aim of the sculpture seats was to use discarded branches and every part of the tree to create our structure in a sustainable manner. Our project’s objectives were to serve something unique, comfortable and most importantly an advanced form of seating using wooden elements. We began with collecting branches from trees that … Read more

Food Playground

In the Introductory Studio G3: The Workspace of the Future, our group designed for a given client, Heura Foods, in a given site, Nova Bocana. Our design ideas were generated from the current missions of the company. The design proposal was not only a workspace for the employees, but a food playground for the community. … Read more


Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. C.A. La palabra “digestible o digerible” viene del latín digestibilis y significa “que se puede transformar materia a sustancias necesarias para la vida”  el prefijo di- (divergencia, separación múltiple), gestus (hecho, llevado a cabo), más el sufijo -ible (que puede o hace). Contexto: Quetzaltenango es uno de los 22 municipios de Guatemala que … Read more

Topography of Tears

Laser Cutting – Material Repositories Material repositories consist of a timeline to estimate the demolition of building blocks, as an identification method for materials extraction based on the circular economy’s principles from 2022 to 2072. Choosing a study area La Dreta de L’Eixample neighborhood, we identify the buildings which can be used as material extraction … Read more

“Water Bodies towards crisis management”

Potential Conflicts related to flooding phenomena in highly urbanized and agricultural areas.

Almost every day, we are confronted with dramatic images of communities and environments incrisis . Flash floods have recently become one of Greece’s most common natural occurrencesafter wildfires. Flooding occurs due to rapid rainfall and heavy storms, from rising river levelsor melting snow.Deforestation, poor soil quality and rapid urbanization significantly contribute to the genesis of … Read more


HANDS OVER BEIRUT Beirut Blast impact assessment visualization Neighborhood: Mar Mikhael (Beirut port)/ Gemmayze – Bashoura – Ashrafieh The Area chosen has received the most impact and visualization of the plot of land where buildings got damaged but on a different scale is relevant to understand the shock wave repartition. To physically be able to … Read more

Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve

“Costanera Sur” Ecological Reserve gathers the largest amount of biodiversity within the City of Buenos Aires and extends over 350 hectares. It houses more than 2000 animal species, including birds, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles. And it has native vegetation, such as its grasslands of grasslands and alder forests. The three interfaces that we focused on … Read more


Barrio Rodrigo Bueno Understanding the environmental challenges and climate change, some cities are affected earlier than others. For this we are focusing on Buenos Aires, Argentina on a particular neighborhood, Rodrigo Bueno. After analyzing the current environmental impact challenges and assessing the future impacts we have suggested a flood resilient strategy and adaptative interventions for … Read more