Slo-Mo-Go: Tourism in Slow Motion

A digital tool proposed to re-boost the economy of Ciutat Vella, Barcelona Overview Ciutat Vella being the oldest district of the city of Barcelona was founded in the 1500 BC. The Ciutat Vella district was a very important economic hub for Barcelona. But in the recent times, the district faces problems that are characterised by … Read more


“Your new ally in Public Transportation” – Problem – Today, urban commuters who rely on public transportation are faced with four principal challenges: – Solution – A multi[modal-city] transport application that enhances passenger’s experience and improves public transport system’s efficiency across different cities, at the country level. – Why now? – The covid-19 pandemic has … Read more

Travelling Paris

Paris, often hailed as the world’s most popular tourist destination, beckons millions of visitors each year with its unparalleled blend of history, culture, gastronomy, and romance. At its heart stands the iconic Eiffel Tower, symbolizing the city’s architectural finesse and innovative spirit. The Louvre Museum, home to countless masterpieces, invites art aficionados to meander through … Read more

Cities in Motion

Bogota Public Transport from GTFS

The General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) is a standardized format designed for the distribution of public transport information globally. This format facilitates the integration of public transportation systems in cities worldwide with popular route planning platforms like Citymapper, Waze, or Moovit. By doing so, it enables users to access information on transport availability and plan … Read more

Routing Accessibility

Background Public transportation plays a crucial role in urban planning globally. Extensive research indicates that bus transit has become a highly favored mass mobility system. This preference stems from its cost-effective infrastructure, flexible planning, and discrete architecture that supports incremental growth. Bus transit systems exhibit lower infrastructure costs compared to rail or subway networks, making … Read more

MO.CA | media production

The main aim is to provide an insight as to what the students were experiencing and actively trying to achieve through every step of the process. This goal is to focus on practical visual storytelling strategies and skills through the work of the MAEBB Students. CLT PANELS MAKING OFThe media production team began with an … Read more

Advanced Architectural Guide

Abstract Architecture enthusiasts face a dilemma when planning their travel visits. Either they spend a lot of time and effort researching and planning their routes, or they can rely on mainstream websites and blogs that tend to recommend well-known works, ruling out works with the same architectural interest that have received less media coverage. The … Read more

MO.CA | final thesis design

The brief for the MAEBB batch of 2022-23 was to design and construct an advanced ecological prototype mobile home. The home was to be designed for two individuals and basic domestic amenities of a tiny home. The mobility element of the brief started an interesting journey that brought forth discussions on nomadism and collective sustenance. … Read more

MO.CA | material production

This years Material Production started after the final design for the prototype was chosen and ran parallel to the further development of the design. The main goals were: – to monitor the amount, humidity and density of the locally sourced aleppo pine wood – to simulate production flows in the workshop (tools and time needed, … Read more

MO.CA | final thesis construction

MO.CA construction sequence Thinking about the sequence of events was vital to a successful construction. With this cascading of events we were able to balance completing design details with progressing towards completion. Proper time management and scheduling was important to maintain momentum. The sequence informed our work in all stages: processing, assembly, and installation. Final … Read more

TERRITORIOS REACTIVOS. Hacia una reprogramación de la región centro-sur de Uruguay

Territorios reactivos refiere a la activación del territorio como respuesta a la irrupción del Proyecto Ferrocarril Central, obra de rehabilitación de 273km de la infraestructura ferroviaria histórica de Uruguay que al 2023 se encuentra en obra 1. Antigua red ferroviaria La vía férrea, uno de los elementos más representativos de la primera revolución industrial, comienza … Read more

Wildlife Corridors

Our project focuses on modeling and predicting habitat fragmentation avoidance mechanisms using graphs. We investigate wildlife corridors in Australia, leveraging graph-based approaches to create coherent passages and connect forest areas. By analyzing satellite images, road data, and other metrics, we construct and evaluate graph models that incorporate forest containment, node characteristics, and connectivity. Our goal … Read more


INTRODUCTION Urbanization poses escalating threats to ecological systems, necessitating the creation of urban ecological commons. This exercise focuses on Mumbai’s metro network, comprising 357 kilometres, 16 lines, and 38 interchanges, as a context for enhancing neighbourhood biodiversity through strategic environment plugins. By leveraging NDVI mapping from Google Earth Engine, areas with high ecological threats and … Read more


A Data-driven Approach of redefining the Accessibility of the Dispersed Urbanity of the Aegean Archipelago Accessibility is a multifaceted concept that expresses the case of access between two points in space. In the context of islands, accessibility is of utmost importance due to their inherent characteristics of isolation and small size. The Aegean Archipelago in … Read more