The “Morpho” Residences originated from the a top down approach, this means that the algorithm behind it uses predefined sets of rules to create its geometry.
The “Morpho” Residences originated from the a top down approach, this means that the algorithm behind it uses predefined sets of rules to create its geometry.

The typology we have chosen is a mixed-use block residential typology. Such a typology offers many advantages, specially considering the global trends of high urbanization rates, climate change, biodiversity loss and scarcity of resources.

Three core principles are to be found throughout the whole project. Adaptivity by allowing change in the living spaces and typologies, Resiliency by presenting different approaches to different climate scenarios and Community by focusing on the well being of the inhabitants through quality spaces and contact to nature.

At first , the plot is analyzed and fragmentized using a voronoi-based approach. Afterwards, adjustments to the generated subplots are made to rationalize the basis for each building. The last initial steps generate pathways and attach the buildings on platforms to any underlying terrain shape. In the second phase the 3D building geometry is created by raising the levels required to fulfill the given FAR. Then, a scaling process creates terraces and outdoor spaces. As the apartments are modules, a rationalization of the voronoi subplots is required. This step provides the slots for the placement of apartments. Different apartment sizes can occur by scaling the apartments towards the facades. This, together with a maximum apartment depth of 12 m ensures daylight availability in all units. Lastly as we can see in the steps 9 and 10. The program is divided into residential spaces in the upper floors and commercial and public spaces in the ground floor. The circulation is allocated to the void created between the apartments allowing an enhanced social interaction between the inhabitants of MORPHO.

Two of the main optimizations embedded in the algorithm are shown below. This optimizations represent our group challenges and are allocated in the beginning of the process to enhance the computational performance of the algorithm. The voronoi partitioning is in charge of creating more rational plots for the buildings. Parameters for these optimization are the area for the cells in the voronoi, the amount of points in the generation of the voronoi pattern and the lengths of the cells. The optimization of the solar radiation ensures that the facades receive the highest level of radiation possible. The heights of all buildings are randomly changed to allow variance int he process. The aim is to offer sunlight to the different apartments and at the same time to produce energy with the facades. In the case of hot climates, counter measures to reduce overheating, such as balconies, optimized WWRs and shading structures will be applied to the facade in a later stage. All these measures are predefined for each one of the climate types shown and are based on common practice for the vernacular architypes of each location.
Here we can observe a simple instantiation of our recipe on a simple flat plot located on a hot-humid climate. The table at the center shows the input and output data for the building generation, having control on parameters such as floor area ratio, apartment mix, and ground floor areas. The diagram at the right shows the decomposition of the building into its different elements and generation stages: the structural grid, program distribution, terraces, circulation system, and building skin.
The structural system is a simple 3D grid, also designed to adapt to different locations, depending on the material availability and structural regulations.

Here we can observe the topological maps for an instance of the project. On the left side we can see the relationship between building cores, cores and hallways, and individual units with adjacent hallways. We can see how the elements cluster together for each building. A detailed view of this is observed on the image at the right, where a typical floor is shown. Here we can see the proximity relationship between apartment units and the building hallway, which is also related to the core.

When it comes to the apartment units, we designed 6 different typologies based on a conceptual grid of 3 by 6 meters, which is complementary to the 6 by 6 meters grid of our structural system. The apartments are thought to be flexible and adaptable, allowing for a wide range of occupants and lifestyles. This is achieved by solving all the interior spatial connections with sliding doors towards the perimeter of the units, allowing to expand or collapse the different rooms depending on use case. We also left room layouts simple to ensure different interpretations of the space.

Here we see how the algorithm can adapt to different settings. The iteration runs over different climates and inputs, such as higher or lower FARs and the distribution of the apartment type ratios. The diagrams show that the ratios for urban spaces adapt to the new inputs, allowing more green spaces or more public infrastructure. We can see as well how comfort metrics in a given location are directly related to the energy demand and the energy production of facades and that depending on the climate have balconies, a double skin or pointed roofs.
Furthermore, it is visible how differently the building scales towards the top depending on the climate, either increasing or decreasing the compactness of the block. Lastly to help the designer choose the materiality wisely, different material alternatives for the structure are shown. Through a literature-based research , best practice benchmarks for grey emissions were stored into the climate presets, favoring a more vernacular approach in the building creation.

The sections and floorplans of the instantiation of our building in Singapore show how the the section scales down towards the top, creating more wind-flow between the towers in this hot-humid climate. Furthermore, it creates a terraced landscape on the first few floors. Vegetation is placed on terraces and balconies to provide cooling. The second skin offers shading, provides climate control to the users and creates a favorable space for vegetation to grow. Also, the publicly accessible ground floor can be seen in the section, creating a relation between the buildings and the urban environment.
The sections and floorplans of the instantiation of our building in Singapore show how the the section scales down towards the top, creating more wind-flow between the towers in this hot-humid climate. Furthermore, it creates a terraced landscape on the first few floors. Vegetation is placed on terraces and balconies to provide cooling. The second skin offers shading, provides climate control to the users and creates a favorable space for vegetation to grow. Also, the publicly accessible ground floor can be seen in the section, creating a relation between the buildings and the urban environment.

The sections of Reykjavik illustrate well how the buildings adapt to different climates, in this case creating a larger atrium, containing a covered courtyard that serves as a common space, fostering connections between residents. Where in Singapore, the vegetation is located on the outside in order to create a cooling effect, In Reykjavik it is located on the inside so that also in this climate residents can enjoy having a garden. Instead of a second skin, the buildings in Reykjavik have kinetic roofs that follow the sun path to let through light but can also be closed depending on the weather conditions.

The climate presets generate different levels of building reconfiguration, allowing for completely different results based on the location. In the case of Singapore, an external metal skin is built to regulate the solar input to the greenhouses and filter the light. A covered communal garden is created on the roof. In the case of Reykjavik, balconies are not generated, the windows on the south facades are bigger than the one on the north for maximizing solar radiation, for the same purpose we created a kinetic roof, deconstructed in triangular shapes to allow it to open and close dynamically based on the solar position.

From the renders, it is clear how some areas of the building like the atrium remain an iconic and functional element of Morpho in every climatic situation, but the primary and secondary climate adaptations generate significant formal variations. Morpho is born from the very idea of adaptability, to climate, urban and living constraints.

We have added an additional level of customization for a hypothetical application of the script to a lunar plot for the construction of a habitat. The logic remains the same as used previously, but the floor are inverted for an underground construction, that is intended to be 3d printed using materials directly taken from the moon surface, while inflatable entry structures are placed on the surface to allow depressurization and vertical circulation.
This exploration emphasizes at the maximum the adaptation abilities of our script.