Redefiniendo equitativa e inclusivamente los espacios públicos a través de la cultura del skateboarding

La investigación pasas de Skate {able} city a Integr{able} city; haciendo énfasis en que el objetivo de diseño del toolkit es para que la aplicación de los conceptos urbanos tengan impacto positivo sobre todos los usuarios de los lugares públicos.

Se seleccionarán 4 sitios basados en los arquetipos expuesto para aplicar el Integra{able} Toolkit y visualizar el impacto en el espacio.


  • Boer, R. (2023). Smooth City: Against Urban Perfection, Towards Collective Alternatives
  • Borden, I. (2001). Skateboarding, space and the city: Architecture and the body. Berg
  • Borden, I. (2019). Skateboarding and the City:
    A Complete History
  • Foucault, M. (1984). [1967] Des espaces autre [Of other spaces], Architecture, Mouvement, Continuité,(5): 46-49. Available at:
  • Gehl, J. (2001). Life Between Building. Copenhagen: Arkitekten For-lag/The Architectural Press, 2001).
  • Gehl, J.(2013). How to study public life. Island Press; Illustrated edition.
  • Gibson, J. (2014). The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception.
  • Harvey, D. (2005). The Politics of Public Space. Routledge
  • Howell, O. (2001). The Poetics of Security: Skateboarding, Urban Design, and the New Public Space.
  • Hölgens, S; Glenney, B. (2024). Skateboarding and the senses: Skills, surfaces and spaces. Routledge
  • Lefebvre, H. (1991). The production of space. Blackwell: Oxford
  • Lepecki, A. (2013). Choreopolice and Choreopolitics: or, the task of the dancer. MIT Press
  • Stanek, L. (2011). Henri Lefebvre on space: Architecture, urban research, and the production of theory. University of Minnesota Press.
  • Parent, C. (2009). Viviren lo oblicuo.
  • Tschumi, B. (1994). The Manhattan Transcripts. 
  • Zarka, R. (2009). Chronologie lacunaire du skateboard : unejournée sans vague : 1779-2005, Pa-ris, Editions B42.


  • Hölgens, S; Glenney, B. (2024). Skateboarding and the senses: Skills, surfaces and spaces. Routledge
  • Lefebvre, H. (1991). The production of space. Blackwell: Oxford
  • Lepecki, A. (2013). Choreopolice and Choreopolitics: or, the task of the dancer. MIT Press
  • Stanek, L. (2011). Henri Lefebvre on space: Architecture, urban research, and the production of theory. University of Minnesota Press.
  • Parent, C. (2009). Viviren lo oblicuo.
  • Tschumi, B. (1994). The Manhattan Transcripts. 
  • Zarka, R. (2009). Chronologie lacunaire du skateboard : unejournée sans vague : 1779-2005, Pa-ris, Editions B42.