During the Master in City & Technology + Thesis Project, students have the unique opportunity to work for an additional time of 9 months on an Individual Thesis Project, focused on the development of one research or pilot project based on the student’s interest. IAAC supports the student in selecting their Thesis Project topic in order to better orient them according to their future career interests and opportunities. Each student is assigned one or more Thesis Advisors that follow the development of the work throughout the year.


2nd research, Comparison masterplan Tokyo by Kenzo Tange vs the existing Tokyo Why Tange Kenzo Tange, as you know, is one of the most famous architects in the world. He has left behind many architectural works in Japan and around the world, He is also an urbanist. In planning the master plan for Tokyo, he … Read more

Navigating Inequality

Introduction Wealth disparity leads to social and economic challenges resulting in social exclusion. 21.6% of population in the EU are at risk of social exclusion. A study confirmed that 61.7% of socially excluded people tend to be segregated. Understanding the origin of the word Segregation – initially used to set sheep apart from the flock, … Read more

Routing Accessibility

Background Public transportation plays a crucial role in urban planning globally. Extensive research indicates that bus transit has become a highly favored mass mobility system. This preference stems from its cost-effective infrastructure, flexible planning, and discrete architecture that supports incremental growth. Bus transit systems exhibit lower infrastructure costs compared to rail or subway networks, making … Read more

Environmental Asset Resilience

The Environmental Asset Resilience (EAR) Tool is a response to the pressing global challenge of environmental instability, particularly in urban areas. These areas face substantial costs associated with environmental problems and climate change. However, decision-making in addressing these issues is complicated by conflicting priorities, limited resources, and a lack of expertise. The EAR Project aims … Read more

1 m/s Pathways: Navigating Urban Childhood

Challenges The projection by UNICEF indicating that 60% of the global child population will reside in urban areas by 2025 demands a critical reevaluation of our cities’ readiness for such a transformation. This shift presents unprecedented challenges and opportunities. By examining the fundamental challenges faced by urban childhood today, it becomes evident that the significant … Read more


TO RE-CONNECT AND RE-FRAME THE USE OF URBAN VOIDS “Beirut is among the many post-conflict cities grappling with dynamic and unsettled social, economic, and geographical dynamics.” “This thesis delves into the expansive realm of urban development within such cities, with a specific focus on the challenges of planning and innovative policy approaches.”  “ Beirut’s urban … Read more

GenCity – An intervention enabler for Co-creating Urban Designs

Alejandro Aravena, renowned for his role in facilitating the recovery of a city struck by an earthquake and a tsunami, asserts that Participatory design transcends mere inclusivity and offers enhanced efficiency. Despite recognizing the significance of public participation in urban planning, we delve into the persisting factors that hinder its optimal efficiency. Conventional methods may … Read more


ABSTRACT With a focus on Spain, this study explores the potential of urban-ecological corridors and bio-cultural landscapes in enhancing wildfire resilience and reversing biodiversity loss in the Mediterranean region. It proposes a 4-dimensional urban-ecological living strategy that integrates burnt areas, ecological connectivity, and sustainable agriculture for improved adaptive resilience. The study employs a multidisciplinary approach, … Read more