IAAC’s Master in City & Technology (1 or 2-year program) is a unique program oriented towards redefining the analysis, planning, and design of twenty-first-century cities and beyond. The program offers expertise in the design of digitally enhanced, ecological and human-centered urban environments by intersecting the disciplines of urbanism and data science. Taking place in Barcelona, the capital of urbanism, the Master in City & Technology is training the professionals that city administrations, governments, industries, and communities need, to transform the urban environment in the era of big data.


London’s Urban Micro-Facilities

A Story of a Beloved Design This is a story of a one-of-a-kind creation in history, the British Red Telephone Box, which soon after its implementation in 1921 became a symbol of british culture and identity, an inseparable part of the nation’s and, more specifically of London’s urban landscape. Successful designs can be timeless, resonating … Read more


An Exploration of the Epidemic of Femicide “How many more women must fall victims before we recognize that femicide is a real and pressing social problem that demands our attention? Despite its significance, many people are still unfamiliar with the term. Femicide is the ‘the intentional killing of a woman because of her gender‘. It … Read more

Stickers in Barcelona, el Gotico

Objective The objective of the project is to create a database of stickers located in the district of Gotico, Barcelona by collecting geolocated photos, analyzing & sorting them by machine learning and further research to then create a framework for evaluating and improving local economy, artists and political movements marketing strategies. Strategy By collecting geolocated … Read more

Dislocating Creativity

“A Data-Driven Approach to Balancing Creative Class Development and Social Equity in Barcelona” The creative industries have been acknowledged as one of the most important sectors for economic growth and development in current cities worldwide. This sector represents a space of culture where all artistic and creative expression that pro-actively enters into dialogue with new … Read more

Towards Urban Democratic Adaptation

Adaptation districts towards prioritized urban interventions  in cities with limited green spaces.  The case study of the metropolitan area of Athens, Greece Athens, during the four last decades, has been extremely urbanized while changing the environment dramatically. By reclassifying open spaces and networks of urban mobility, this model aims to suggest strategies for prioritized urban … Read more

The Scenic Route

Finding the greenest bicycle path that connects all the parks in Barcelona The shortest walk connecting all the parks was computed based on the road map. The existing bicycle lane does not connect all the parks in Barcelona. Hence, a second shortest path was created by pulling points from the road map to the bicycle … Read more

The Green Ally

In Spain, there is an urban myth, according to which – The country was once so thickly forested that a squirrel could cross the peninsula hopping from tree to tree. -However, this condition has changed throughout the years, both in terms of the natural environment and the existence of squirrels in Spain. The case study … Read more

A Parallel City for Pollinators

Introduction to Pollination The project attempts to study and research the possibilities of creating a green, three-dimensional corridor for pollinators in a specific area, the historical city center of Madrid, connecting Madrid’s most prominent green park “el Retiro” in the east to the “Casa de Campo” natural reserve in the west. In particular the proposal … Read more

Curated Art Walk, BCN

Located in northeastern Spain, on the shores of the Mediterranean, Barcelona has long been hailed as a European cultural capital. From its thriving art scene to its incredible architecture and world-famous gastronomy, here’s why an art and culture lover will fall head over heels for Barcelona. The intent of the whole project is to identify … Read more

“Water Bodies towards crisis management”

Potential Conflicts related to flooding phenomena in highly urbanized and agricultural areas.

Almost every day, we are confronted with dramatic images of communities and environments incrisis . Flash floods have recently become one of Greece’s most common natural occurrencesafter wildfires. Flooding occurs due to rapid rainfall and heavy storms, from rising river levelsor melting snow.Deforestation, poor soil quality and rapid urbanization significantly contribute to the genesis of … Read more


HANDS OVER BEIRUT Beirut Blast impact assessment visualization Neighborhood: Mar Mikhael (Beirut port)/ Gemmayze – Bashoura – Ashrafieh The Area chosen has received the most impact and visualization of the plot of land where buildings got damaged but on a different scale is relevant to understand the shock wave repartition. To physically be able to … Read more

North Red Sea Metropolis

North Red Sea Metropolis (NRSM)

North region of Red Sea. Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia Concept statement North Red Sea Metropolis (NRSM) is a hypothetical metropolis that combines towns and industrial areas in 4 neighboring countries of the North part of the Red Sea: Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. Considering the vicinity of Neom city, the Suez sea trade … Read more

Benidorm 360

A new ecosystem for a global tourism destination Benidorm, Alicante The city of Benidorm is the most renowned mass tourism destination on the Spanish Mediterranean coast. It has been recently acknowledged as a sustainable urban development to support the mass-tourism industry; however, Benidorm had received strong criticism during many years, mainly because of its striking … Read more


Athens, Greece “Archipelago is a group of islands set in a sea that simultaneously divides and unites them” The case of the Aegean Archipelago in Greece, which consists of 1.145 islands and islets, for reasons associated with historical and geographical circumstances, represents the promise of a different urbanism.  Even in the absolute separation of the … Read more