INTRODUCTION The collaborative project at hand involved a remarkable feat: seven groups working together virtually to design a self-sustainable, adaptive, and productive colony on Mars. To achieve this goal, our team utilized an array of cutting-edge software programs and tools, with Spackle and Rhino inside Revit serving as the primary means of communication both within … Read more

Design with Nature – Ian McHarg

Design with Nature by Ian McHarg is a seminal book published in 1969 that revolutionized the field of landscape architecture and urban planning. The book argues that the natural environment should be the primary consideration in any design process, and that the best designs are those that work with, rather than against, nature. McHarg begins … Read more

AL HABIBITAT | Urban intervention

Aswan, Egypt being a desert city shows diurnal aspects of climate on a daily basis. The same also affects the day to day activity pattern of the community that adapts to the climate at any given time. This analysis indicates at a close relation between climate, people & their clothing & eventually it traces ahead … Read more


Ciudades urbana y humanamente digeribles Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. C.A Anteriormente el tema se aborda desde la perspectiva de ecología y cambio climático, donde se expone la situación actual de la ciudad de Quetzaltenango y donde se identifican los procesos alimentarios a traves de la industria y como estas dinámicas crean ciudades enfermas y obviamente ciudadanos enfermos, … Read more

BIOMIMICRY in ARCHITECTURE by Michael Pawlyn | Ecological Thinking II

This blog is a review of Michael Pawlyn’s book, Biomimicry in Architecture. “Biomimicry is a powerful innovation tool that allows architects to go beyond conventional approaches to sustainable design and deliver transformative solutions we need.”-Michael Pawlyn The book “Biomimicry in Architecture” by Michael Pawlyn introduces the term biomimicry and how it can impact architecture. The … Read more


Climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of extreme weather events, and cities like Mumbai with a population of over 12 million people, is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. In fact, studies have shown that Mumbai is one of the cities most at risk from rising sea levels more intense floods, … Read more

THE NATURAL WAY OF FARMING: The Theory & Practice of Green Philosophy by Masanobu Fukuoka | Ecological Thinking

This blog is a review of the book, The Natural Way of Farming: The theory & practice of Green Philosophy by Masanobu Fukuoka. The Book is a deep description on different ideologies and process developed by the author through practice and application. “When the human spirit and human life blend with the natural order and … Read more

Public Pulse

PROBLEM A lack of activities and engagement in certain streets can lead to a decrease in their vibrancy and vitality. This can manifest in empty streets, dilapidated buildings, and a dearth of social and cultural events. Over time, these areas may become less desirable places to live or visit, perpetuating the cycle of neglect and … Read more


Introducing the Mobility Footprint, an interactive dashboard designed to promote awareness about mobility in urban environments and its impact on CO2 emissions. By selecting your typical mode of transportation and choosing from eight pre-determined destinations, the dashboard will provide you with a recommended route, estimated travel time, and the CO2 emissions associated with your selected … Read more

London’s Urban Micro-Facilities

A Story of a Beloved Design This is a story of a one-of-a-kind creation in history, the British Red Telephone Box, which soon after its implementation in 1921 became a symbol of british culture and identity, an inseparable part of the nation’s and, more specifically of London’s urban landscape. Successful designs can be timeless, resonating … Read more

Risk Vision MR

About The Risk Vision MR project evaluates the feasibility of incorporating augmented reality into urban planning and design practices. The aim of the app developed in this seminar is to offer a tool for interactive and rapid result visualization to various stakeholders involved in urban design. The project focuses on a computational design of a … Read more

Housing for All

India is one of the fastest developing countries with many metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, and Hyderabad. Migration from villages and small towns to metropolitan areas has increased tremendously in India and led to the degradation of urban environmental quality and sustainable development especially in the metropolitan cities. The problems faced by the people living … Read more


Framework The CoP-CITIES is put forward to foster the engagement of a wide range of stakeholders, from ‘traditional’ ones to urban communities. In combination with top-down approach to urban policy, co-creation gives citizens, local officials, researchers and the private sector an equal say in the decision-making process. Fundamentally, the CoP-CITIES aims to be instrumental for … Read more

Post Tension Wood

Post Tension wood is a project created in different steps. Extracting logs from trees from 12 – 15 diameters, this project scans each piece with the purpose of optimizing the fabrication and reducing the waste. Workflow Set Up & Calibration Production plan

RE:EDU: architecture for emergency

As a target country for  our project we selected Ukraine, the biggest European country that is located in the eastern part. Ukraine has 1000 years of history, during which it has been fighting for freedom and identity. In 2013 in Kyiv students started the protest, which evolved into the revolution of dignity, after the president … Read more

Re- Earth Station Studio

Site Location: Xochimilco, Mexico Xochimilco is a borough of Mexico City. The borough is centered on the formerly independent city of Xochimilco,  which was established on what was the southern shore of Lake Xochimilco in the pre-colonial period. Today, the borough consists of the 18 barrios, or neighborhoods, of this city along with 14 pueblos, … Read more