MO.CA | material production

This years Material Production started after the final design for the prototype was chosen and ran parallel to the further development of the design. The main goals were: – to monitor the amount, humidity and density of the locally sourced aleppo pine wood – to simulate production flows in the workshop (tools and time needed, … Read more

MO.CA | final thesis construction

MO.CA construction sequence Thinking about the sequence of events was vital to a successful construction. With this cascading of events we were able to balance completing design details with progressing towards completion. Proper time management and scheduling was important to maintain momentum. The sequence informed our work in all stages: processing, assembly, and installation. Final … Read more

forkLOAD Tessellations

forkLOAD Tessellations aims to utilize Shapediver to create a visualization software for clients to select a variety of parameters on a dome structure. This dome structure is created with a tessellating pattern of hegagons and squares. The user is able to select from a variety of scales of patterns, shape of arch, and a variety … Read more


A Workflow to Repurpose Tree Forks Hand fabrication or Japanese joineries have high customization and are very precise when done by a professional. This method’s drawbacks include the intense physical labor required and the amount of time it takes to master the craft. CNC Milling machines range from 3 to 5 axis and are a … Read more

Corbel Arches

We decided to study how machine learning can help us to stack stones and build corbel arches. Corbel arches are a type of arch structure in which the arch is formed by successively projecting stones or bricks from each side until they meet at the center. The arch relies on the structural integrity of the … Read more

Procedural Morphologies

Leveraging the Wave Function Collapse Algorithm for Application on Layered Quadrilateral Meshes Abstract Procedural Morphologies is a novel computational design workflow in the field of discrete design. It leverages the Wave Function Collapse Algorithm for application on any quadrilateral mesh. Thus a coherent three-dimensional aggregation solution can be generated for any quad mesh using a … Read more

R-ERA [ Realtime – Emotion Responsive Architecture ]

R-ERA [ Realtime – Emotion Responsive Architecture ] is a project of IAAC, Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia developed in the Master in Advanced Architecture 02 – by the student: Preetam Prabhakar and Research Thesis Advisor: David Andres Leon during the course MAA02 22/23 Thesis under the Algorithmic Design research thesis cluster.

Identifying formal housing projects, New Delhi

During the Internet of Building studio we developed a strategy of predicting the typologies of buildings in New Delhi, India by data, using algorithmic approaches as KMEANS, DBSCAN and PCA aswell a a heuristig rule-set. The objective of this project is to predict if a building in New Delhi is part of a formal settlement … Read more


Statement In extreme summer heat, our bodies work overtime to regulate how we feel. It takes massive amounts of energy to maintain a normal and consistent body temperature. All this energy use can cause us to feel tired and sluggish.It makes it important to have a COOLING system in high temperatures. What is a possible … Read more


A city inside a building; The project articulates an extra-extra large architectural typology that extends beyond the conventional scale of a singular building and aims at becoming a self-enclosed urban form. Mobilizing Buckminster Fuller’s ‘tensegrity’ structural logic, this megastructure accommodates a complexassemblage of typologies, functions, and forms within its differentiated envelope-a geometrically and materially optimized … Read more


Re-imagining Food Production through Bio-Based Water Treatment Infrastructure This project was developed during the Digital Matter Research studio, in which It was first identified a waste stream in which the material could be upcycled to a building material, and then developed a project of design in many scales that had a bottom-up approach, having the … Read more

???? 365

Phenomena analyzed: Lightning From the mythological Prometheus until the middle of the 18th century, the phenomenon of lightning remained an unsolved riddle. In 1749 Benjamin Franklin detailed in his diary the resemblance between an electric spark and lightning: both emit light of the same color, and both have a winding trajectory and rapid motion. Both … Read more


‘Corkoon’ is a design proposal by a group of six students from MAEBB 2022-23 for the final thesis design of a Mobile home. The project aims to cater to the materiality aspects of a mobile home which we try to achieve by bio-mimicking the principles of a caterpillar in its chrysalis where it goes on … Read more


Manifesto This project is a development of a previous redesign of the Serpentine Pavilion 2017. It aims to use Wallacei to optimize the form of the pavilion to achieve maximum shading according to Ladybug. The design is divided into structure, roof and wall. The parameters are set to be the axes and openings of the … Read more