The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.


My Lonely Days Are Over

‘My Lonely Days Are Over ‘ is a project aimed to addressing loneliness in an increasingly isolated society, through the creation of a dependable hand that provides physical stimulus i.e. a high-five; usually shared between friends in moments of joy or to express appreciation. Schematic 1x Arduino Uno 1x Bread Board 1x Ultrasonic Sensor: HC-SR04 … Read more


Concept The intention was to design a multi functional rover with obstacle sensing capabilities. The rover can be controlled in two ways, either through voice commands or through Bluetooth remote sensing. Materials Circuit Diagram Some critical considerations: Before uploading the code RX and TX connections must be taken out. After uploading, they must be again … Read more

Adaptive Sun Shade

The proposed project is to have a mechanical responsive canopy that can react to the sun path in each time of the day. As climate conditions such as temperature and sun radiation levels approximate to undesired levels the built in system would trigger the mechanism. The sun shade is controlled by three different servo motors, … Read more

Touch Canvas

Concept Development  Touch canvas is an interactive visual project using Arduino that transforms touch inputs into dynamic visual effects. Users engage with sensors and controls connected to Arduino, triggering real-time changes in immersive visual environment, fostering a unique, hands-on digital experience. Material List Schematic Diagram Arduino Code Prototype Setup Future Step Interactive project, I propose … Read more

Random Decision Making Device

Let’s talk about random decision-making devices, a cool tool with many uses. Ever get stuck deciding? This device helps break that deadlock, offering clarity and moving things along. But it’s not just about making life simpler – it sparks creativity, pushing us beyond the usual options. Think of it like a compass for trying new … Read more

night watering

application of an automatic watering system which only activates under two conditions :  the soil moisture is dry, and the sun has set. this helps to avoid too much water evaporation, but also to avoid over-watering the soil. step 1 / setting up the soil sensor. step 2 / setting up the servo motor. step 3 / setting … Read more

Artificial Sun

“Artificial sun” is a light installation that originated from a dark, cold winter walk in Berlin. Berlin, one of Europe’s liveliest and youngest cities, is renowned for its vibrant parties and general positive atmosphere.However, when winter arrives and the days grow shorter, the city seems to go into hibernation, leaving its streets cold and empty. … Read more

Automatic Irrigator

(Either that or a cool edgy name too.) As for a very simple concept: The idea surged from the need present for some of the people from the neighborhood. Many students struggle with finding good and affordable food at Barcelona – so, naturally, they resort to cooking themselves. Yet. for the last few months, some … Read more

DyeMate ProVision

Dye vending machine working with an ultrasonic drive system. Concept The project involves a container equipped with a keypad, allowing it to provide a specific weight of the material inside based on user input. The primary objective was to aid a friend in her natural dyeing process, eliminating the need for manual weighing of each … Read more


INSPIRATION CONCEPT Aqua REVIVAL, a smart irrigation system which monitors tank levels via water sensors, activates a pump to draw and filter greywater. This sustainable solution minimizes grid water usage, promoting responsible landscaping. The addition of a soil moisture sensor ensures optimal soil hydration for thriving landscapes. PSEUDOCODE This pseudocode activates the DC motor with … Read more


A System of Sensors to Save Electricity Many hospitals, public offices, warehouses are characterized by the presence of constant electric lighting at any time of the day, includingless-frequented areas and throughout the night.But is this really necessary? Can’t there be a more sustainable and energy saving technology? PowerPreserver_ uses both a LDR photoresistor, apassive component … Read more

Smart Operable Window

Operable windows have provided ventilation, light control and privacy for many years. And has been one of the Primary architectural components. However it has to operated manually in most Scenario and doesn’t have the smart function. This led to think about the smart operable window concept. Where a operable window, can be made to perform … Read more

Requiem for a Beat

Welcome to a realm where beats synchronize with lights, and the air dances to the rhythm of your celebration! In our innovative Rave House, we’ve engineered an immersive experience that goes beyond mere partying. With air quality sensors triggering a fan dance when things heat up and LEDs pulsating to the heartbeat of the music, … Read more

The Killing Time

A kinetic sculpture, blending art and design. A clock, tired to count the time. The Killing Time is a design object, created through the electronic programming of Arduino and the digital fabrication of laser cutting and 3D printing. It consists of semicircles in colored acrylic that rotate thanks to stepper motors, controlled by a PIR … Read more

Innovate to Elevate

Interactive Facade System Introduction Murr Tower, is a prominent abandoned skyscraper located in the city of Beirut, Lebanon. The tower was initially intended to be a luxurious residential and commercial complex. Construction began in the 1970s but was halted during the Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990). The tower remained incomplete and abandoned for years, serving as … Read more


The increasing concern over indoor air quality has prompted the development of innovative solutions to create healthier living environments. In response to this, my Arduino project introduces a Smart Exhaust System designed to monitor and improve air quality. Utilizing the MQ 135 air quality sensor. CONCEPT The concept behind my Arduino-based Smart Exhaust System revolves … Read more


Concept Automatic feeder for stray cats In today’s world, homeless animals are often invisible in everyday life and often suffer from the harsh conditions of urban life. Such homeless animals in many cities are cats, which have always played an important role in people’s lives, having a positive impact on our health and emotional state.  … Read more

Rhythmic Walls

Rhytmic Walls

Concept Inspired by the artistic vision of Refik Anadol, the project seeks to reimagine the interaction between nature and humans through a digital lens. Utilizing motion and sound detection technologies, this interactive wall transforms human interactions with their environment into a visual and dynamic experience. It visualizes how nature and humans respond to each other, offering viewers an opportunity to forge … Read more


Exploring Dynamic Privacy in Public Spaces through Distance Sensors and Servo Motors This project represents a captivating exploration at the crossroads of programming, physical computing, and spatial design. The central focus revolves around the utilization of cutting-edge technologies, namely distance sensors and servo motors, to craft an interactive partition module. The primary objective is to … Read more


CONCEPT I hate sweaty armpits. I hate having them, and I wouldn’t wish them on my worst enemy. Although sweat is a normal bodily function, it might be an insecurity for some.However, this worthless device will not come close to addressing the problem. But it might shame you into taking the proper actions. Introducing: PitPatrol™, … Read more

SnoreGuard: Better Sleep, Better Life

“Embrace a new era of restful nights, waking up refreshed and ready to conquer each day. SnoreGuard: Better sleep, Better Life.” The Snore Guard Wake-Up Assistant is an innovative device designed to automatically wake up a person who is snoring excessively during sleep. This device utilizes advanced sound detection technology to monitor the ambient noise … Read more


HARMONIC HARMONY – IR REMOTE MUSIC SYNTHESISER INTRODUCTION : In a symphony of technology, my Arduino project, “Harmonic Harmony” seamlessly combines the realms of sound and light through the enchanting collaboration of a passive buzzer, LEDs and the magic of infrared signals. This innovative creation transforms signals from an IR remote into a melodic masterpiece, … Read more


The system is designed to facilitate regular bird-watching opportunities through the observation deck. Distinguishing between average bird flights in the troposphere and migratory bird flocks in the stratosphere from the other layers of atmosphere, it focuses on capturing stratospheric and Tropospheric activity. LEDs on the observation deck signify flock distance, alerting bird watchers to arrivals … Read more