The MAA is a visionary master program with an innovative and open structure, mixing diverse disciplines, shaping professionals capable of producing theoretical & practical solutions towards responsive cities, architecture & technology.



At the request of STORE STORE in London, we developed a proposal for a timber structure roof for an existing garage located specifically in Clissold Crescent, Hackney. The objective is to transform the space into a workshop. The project presented a unique challenge as it is planned in phases, necessitating a demountable design that can … Read more

Democratizing Architectural Design: A Participatory Approach through AI

The democratization of the design process through artificial intelligence is the focus of my Master’s thesis. Recent advancements in AI have revolutionized the field of architecture by making it more accessible and inclusive. The necessity for years of experience with professional software is no longer a barrier, as text-to-image AI systems enable non-experts to visualize … Read more


Morph_Designer is a project that researches the potential of available building footprint morphological data, and how this can become a design-aid tool in architectural practices, aiming to give a new scope of data driven design that can be used globally. “Architecture and the city are mutually constitutive, each influencing and shaping the other in a … Read more

Reinforcement Learning

Group 5 How can apartment typologies be designed to create communities within buildings, addressing social exclusion and isolation caused by modernist architecture?  Can reinforcement learning be used to optimize the distribution of public and private spaces, such as apartments, balconies, patios, and courtyards, to create sub-communities within the building.

Proposal for Enhancement of Semantic Segmentation Model for Architectural Purposes

The current semantic segmentation model for ControlNet provides a list of usable materials, but they are not specific enough for architectural purposes. By generating new tokens (colours) that extend the existing model with new material types, we aim to improve the process by which stable diffusion operates and make it more suitable for architecture applications.

Beyond Corals

The recent climate changes are affecting key elements of our ecosystem such as tropical forest, deserts, and coral reefs. Corals are living organisms, closely related to jellyfish that live in colonies. The size of those colonies can vary, the largest coral reef to date, the great barrier is estimated to stretch over 2300 kilometers. There … Read more

| RE.Print (Term 02)

for the previous term work refer : |Global Scenario The building system was was fragmented to 3 systems, each with a unique purpose.  Module A-the wall ensemble: focused on creating a modular wall system that would reduce dead load and offer versatile functionality. Module B-the column ensemble: was designed to utilize the material’s compressive … Read more

Forces of Nature: Tensile Structure

CONCEPT The project aims to tensile structures that are architectural designs which use tension to provide structural support and stability, often characterized by their lightweight and flexible nature. These structures are used in a wide range of applications, from large-scale event venues to small-scale residential and commercial buildings. Frei Otto The research begins with a … Read more

The Cultural Canvas

An art and community center designed to foster artistic and cultural activities in a community, through a geometrically evolved design that integrates with the surrounding environment. It serves as a hub for creative expression, social and cultural exchange, providing space for exhibitions, performances, workshops, and community events. The center’s architecture combines functionality with artistic expression, creating a space … Read more


How Artificial Intelligence Is Reformulating The Notion Of Authorship In Architecture? Also published here: Abstract Cosmic Dust Laboratory (CDL) is an experimental startup where humans and Artificial Intelligence Systems work together to come up with new architectural solutions for Extreme Climates and Conditions in Monegros Desert. An eloquent sponsor named Hannah goes to CDL … Read more

Internet of ME (term2)

The data we engage with everyday is growing rapidly, and our digital footprint is increasing! With the cyber-physical convergence and the fast expansion of the Internet, Volume of information created, copied, captured, and consumed worldwide went form 33 zettabytes in 2018 to an expected 175 zettabytes in 2051! That’s close 500% increase in 5 years. … Read more

Digital Heritage

Additive Manufacturing is the technology that builds 3D objects by adding layers of material on top of each other, whether the is clay, plastic, concrete etc. through various types of robotic technologies. In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the additive manufacturing with concrete as it has shown potential advantages in comparison … Read more


Context # Noise Pollution Noise pollution is considered to be any unwanted or disturbing sound that affects the health and well-being of humans and other organisms. And World Health Organization considers decibels over 65 dB noise pollution. Noise pollution is affecting everyone. For some people, its just an annoyance, but for others, it’s a serious … Read more

Forces of Nature

This project explores the use of various physics simulations using Kangaroo in order to reach a structurally viable design proposal for the IaaC rooftop. The design relies on a combination of specific behaviors (below) that have been calibrated to achieve the desired form.

Forces of Nature

HYPERBOLIC PARABOLOID ROOF This research project in the field of architecture aims to investigate the application of physics simulations in the form-finding process of designing live-interactive installations using Kangaroo, located in IAAC’s rooftop. The design strategy is creating a simple geometry based on forces in compression and tension on different points. The pavilion’s sail-like plane … Read more


This project was developed in the Computational Design Seminar with the goal of proposing a new installation for the roof of IAAC’s main building using parametric design through Grasshopper and Kangaroo components. The resulting structure aims to improve the quality of the open area, adding shade, light, and shadow effects and creating a base for … Read more

Forces of Nature

Affected by Sun Abstract Affected by sun is a design for IAAC rooftop, which is a live-interactive installation using Kangaroo. The design of the pavilion was based on analysis of site, like views, visibility and also the sun path and radiations which were found using Ladybug plugin, in order to detect the places that need to get … Read more

Lignum Penumbra

FORCES OF NATURE The term “Lignum” refers to wood, emphasizing the material used in the pavilion’s construction. “Penumbra” refers to the partially shaded area around the edge of a shadow, which could suggest the way the pavilion’s design incorporates light and shadow. Pseudo Code Final Result ‘Lignum Penumbra’ is a project that celebrates the natural … Read more


The aim of the design was to create a space that evokes a sense of enclosure but is still open and lightweight. This led us to the concept of designing our pavilion from minimal surfaces inspired from geometries exhibited in nature such as plants, mushrooms and corals. The intention was to fabricate it using strip … Read more

Forces of Nature:

“Arachnid Maze” Abstact The aim of the design was to create a recreational space on the rooftop of the main IAAC. The intention was to design a “spider net” inspired by testing materials that included hair, bones, spider webs, and seashells. We simulated our design via physics simulation springs that are able to hold multi … Read more

Forces Of Nature

The Prismatic Pavilion Site Context ?The Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) is located in the city of Barcelona, Spain. ?The institute is situated in the Poblenou neighborhood, which is known for its innovation and technology industries. ?The institute is easily accessible by public transportation, with several bus and metro lines running nearby.  ?The campus is also located close … Read more


Brief “This investigative research project in the field of architecture aims to investigate theapplication of physics simulations in the form-finding process of designing live-interactiveinstallations.”The research objective is to build a user-friendly interface that enables real-time manipulation of forces as design parameters, the goal of replicating real-life behaviors by using kangaroo as a main engine. With … Read more