IAAC’s Master in City & Technology (1 or 2-year program) is a unique program oriented towards redefining the analysis, planning, and design of twenty-first-century cities and beyond. The program offers expertise in the design of digitally enhanced, ecological and human-centered urban environments by intersecting the disciplines of urbanism and data science. Taking place in Barcelona, the capital of urbanism, the Master in City & Technology is training the professionals that city administrations, governments, industries, and communities need, to transform the urban environment in the era of big data.

Music_Mental Health

Undertaken by: Avi Sharma Hypothesis : Exposure to Music correlates with variations in Mental Health among people. We all know that listening to music can evoke various emotions, depending on the song. What I am exploring is the idea that exposure to music, in general, can play a role in shaping your overall mental health … Read more

New York Taxi Analysis

As the Submission about Data Digital Tools & Big Data II, we analyzed the new york taxi data. We were given the data about Taxi Infomation in New York, in 2016.In this data, there is information, from the data, I made new information, Erased some columns, and fix the data. Reading the data the data … Read more

NYC Taxi Time Traveler

The New York City Taxi Trip Duration competition is a challenge to develop a model that predicts the total ride time of taxi trips in New York City. Yellow medallion taxicabs, which number 12,779 in New York City, generate a substantial revenue of $1.8 billion per year by providing transportation services to around 240 million … Read more

Machine learning model to predict NYC cabs’ trip duration

Goal: to predict trip duration of NYC cabs using machine learning models. Tools: Python + Nympy + Pandas + Datetime + Plotly.express + Matplotlib + Math + Seaborn + Bokeh + Sklearn Stages of project: data cleaning, data analysis, data preparation, data testing, evaluating prediction accuracy. Data cleaning The first dataset visualization with splitting datasets … Read more

Data-Driven Rides

Machine Learning-based Analysis of NYC Cab Trip Duration “Data-Driven Rides” is an entry for the first MaCT Machine Learning Competition that hosted on Kaggle which involves predicting the duration of taxi rides in New York City. The dataset provided for this competition is based on the 2016 NYC Yellow Cab trip record dataset and the … Read more

NYC Taxi Trip Duration Predictive Modeling

The objective of this exercise is to build a machine learning model that will predict taxicab trip durations based on 2016 NYC Yellow Cab trip record data. Data Fields Based on this, this project will develop a machine learning regression algorithm capable of predicting the duration of a trip based on the variables provided by … Read more

Predicting NYC Cab Ride Duration using ML

The MaCT01 students were tasked with training a model that would be used to predict NYC yellow taxi ride durations using machine learning. The dataset included pickup and drop-off datetimes, location coordinates and passenger count. Visualizing the data helped to understand the correlation between the columns and remove the highly correlated values Understanding the distribution … Read more

1st Traditional IAAC MaCT ML Competition

#Objective #A Kaggle Competition to MaCT01 students to show their knowledge, designing an end-to-end machine learning project to predict the “Trip Duration” of NYC Taxi trips. #Workflow #First of all a workflow hast do be developed, which represents a classic approach for training machine learning models, analysing the provided training data provided by the submission, … Read more