DESIRE – DESIgn for REassembly

Abstract The project’s purpose is to design two different proposals where bricks and timber if cross-section 45mmx90mm are used as materials for both constructions. A study of fabrication process, creating connections and ways of assembly-disassembly structures. Proposal A CONCEPTBrick and Timber Concept Design – V3 Digital Exploration Design objective: Use the same amount of material … Read more

Martian Playground // Studio

Design Brief and Scope The purpose of this project is to design a colony on Mars to sustain life for 50 people with the possibility to expand to 300 people over time.  This specific projects revolves around the specific function of recreation. Site Detection and Analysis ChatGPT 3 is used to create a relative grading … Read more

Extended Reality (XR) for Fabrication and Assembly

Link to Podcast Link to Transcript Extended Reality (XR) alters between R, VR, AR, and MR as required. It can be visualized through immersive goggles or any phone or tablet. Used by engineers and contractors for simple clash detection and checking on-site inventory, but there is also a new opportunity for architects to control advanced … Read more

Large Scale 3D-Printing Experience with WASP Crane: Log Entries from Construction Site

The use of large-scale 3D printing in construction has been on the rise in recent years, with many architects and builders experimenting with different techniques and technologies. One such project is the final project for the 3DPA postgraduate program at the IAAC Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, which utilized the WASP Crane for printing … Read more

ALGOSurfboards: how design drives performance

Over the last decade, the surf industry has been rapidly expanding, as an increasing number of people worldwide are embracing the sport. However, despite the rising demand, traditional surfboard design approaches have yet to fully embrace the potential of tailored equipment that takes into account the unique needs and preferences of individual surfers. As a … Read more

1:1 Arched Vault Competition Proposal

Nader Akoum 3d Printing Architecture Clay

The competition proposal of a 1:1 3d printed arched clay vault should be characterized by feasibility in construction. To achieve feasibility, the design of the vault uses bended sheets of wood to carry arches, dwells on strong connections in the infills, and complies by site printing restrictions [4,500 meters of print length alongside a maximum … Read more

Fifth facade competition : Fiber supported cantilevers

Three symmetrical generative axes were considered that reach the top, meeting in the same origin. Altering parameters such as the distance between the base axis, the inclination reaching the top and the height of the top axes, the geometry is considered in a shape which is achieving a controlled inclination of the guide surfaces of … Read more

Peaceful parasites

Historical data Peaceful parasites is based in Belfast, Northern Ireland and addresses the urban scars created by the recent troubles. Deep rooted segregation has generated detrimental urban divides and this project aims to solve this problem. Historically, the troubles started in 1969 and subsides to some degree in 1998 with the ¨good friday agreement¨. 2023 … Read more

Car-Free Mixed Use Development – Structural Design

Design Objective The project is located in Dallas, Texas which is the largest growing metropolitan region in the United States. We are proposing a residential and commercial development which will promote car-free living through its mixed use program. Design Solution The proposed solution is set on a 3m x 3m x 3m grid system for … Read more

Climate Canopy – Timber Grid Shell

Structural analysis and optimisation Our project is a timber grid shell which forms a roof canopy covering an underground train station in Sydney, Australia. The shell acts as a climatic roof providing shade and creating a cool public square below. The timber shell forms funnel columns that land in the station below the public square, … Read more


INTRODUCTION Known as the capital of the North, Tripoli is Lebanon’s second largest city: from a regional trade capital for the past centuries, the city is nowadays the most impoverished of Lebanon and on the Mediterranean. The city has been scared by the violent clashes and conflict over the past 40 years and is confronted … Read more


WILDLIFE MUSEUM FOR AGNANO CRATOR, NAPLES, ITALY This new wildlife museum has a main purpose to raise awareness about wild animal species extinction. The site is inside the picturesque Agnano crater in Naples, Italy. The crater mostly forest with a lake at the base and is used today as a place of recreation and hiking. … Read more

Peaceful Parasites

A Structural Analysis of Urban Lego Peaceful Parasites is based in Belfast, Northern Ireland and focuses on stitching back a scared urban landscape created by the conflicts of the recent troubles. It re-imagines a use of the existing dividing walls to create a more cohesive future. The structural analysis follows a four step process. Step … Read more

Bio-Inspired Structures

How can a building embody the principles of evolution? This project explores the use of cellular autonomy as a form generator. The principle of cellular autonomy allows for the creation of complex forms Video

Optimised placement and orientation of fibers to support earth 3d printed cantilevers in the wet state

The research aims to take an advantage of the knowledge from the past and integrate with today’s technology to construct novel and complex forms. The intention is to integrate fibers during the 3d printing process to support the cantilevers in wet state as well as find the optimized method to lay the fibers. This method … Read more

Rigidity Via Geometry: Embedding Structural Intelligence within 3D Printed Vaulted Structures

Rigidity: The extent to which an element is able to resist deformation or deflection  under the action of an applied force. Abstract Architectural history contains numerous examples of vaulted  structures built using a variety of design techniques and a range of materials, to serve or host different functions. One recurring function is the role of … Read more

Adaptive Support System: Retraction Control in Arched Vaults

Nader Akoum Architecture 3d Printing Earth

Support & scaffolding during consolidation of clay printing are quintessential to push the boundaries and capabilities of earthen architecture because, with said added support, opportunities for large spans, high arches, aggregated arches, and other structural phenomena arise. The options invented over time are diverse and, regardless of the used material, they can be very insightful … Read more

Structural Assessments for 3d Printing Earth: 1:10 to 1:1

Nader Akoum 3d Printing Architecture Earth

Overview In 3d printing with earth, structural integrity is a factor that carries on from the onset of design until the finalization of the print itself. There are many tools that manifest the realization [pre-printing] and assessment [post printing] of structure in 3d printing. The purpose of these tools varies between the optimization of mass, … Read more